Women delegates protesting at the Beijing conferenceWomen delegates gagged to symolize China's silencing of Tibetan women's voices at the Beijing conferenceWomen delegates gagged to symolize China's silencing of Tibetan women's voices at the Beijing conferenceWomen delegates gagged to symolize China's silencing of Tibetan women's voices at the Beijing conferenceWomen delegates gagged to symolize China's silencing of Tibetan women's voices at the Beijing conference


To Better Influence Major Conferences:

Join caucus groups in the preparatory period and stick with
them throughout the months prior to a major conference.

Initiate caucus groups (such as women living under 
foreign occupation) and develop a partnership 
lobbying strategy.

Have lobbying documents prepared by paragraph; that is, one page 
per paragraph which includes alternate wording and a rationale, 
also citing previous UN documents.

Have small pamphlet sized documentation which can be printed by 
the thousands and distributed.    

Divide responsibilities of delegates into two groups 
(NGO Forum and official UN Conference); the activities 
and strategies are quite different for each.

A larger number of Tibetans with proper travel documents should
register for and participate in such events in the future. 
(This campaign could have been more effective had the over 
80 women who registered for the Conference been able to 

Future campaigns should ensure a balanced mix of young and 
elderly delegates.(Having a historical perspective and maturity 
of experience contributed significantly to the TWD in Beijing.)

Build relationships with member states from regions such as 
Africa and South America for more broad-based support for 
future UN initiatives.

Within the Tibetan and Tibet NGO Community:

Extend the ribbon symbol as a permanent expression of solidarity
within the UN for Tibetan people living under the occupation.

Request that the Tibetan Government-in-exile officially support
the ideals and goals of the Platform for Action and form a 
committee to monitor its implementation in the exile community.

Prepare a research document which will identify the various 
paragraphs from all UN declarations and conventions, which could be
cited in future work. The document should be divided into sections
on torture, environment, foreign occupation, reproductive rights 
and other relevant issues.

As the trend towards globalisation continues, even grassroots 
organisations must develop some familiarity with work at the 
international level. An advocacy campaign should be developed 
and implemented by a coalition of Tibet NGOs, to familiarise the 
population with new ways of thinking and approaching 
traditional issues.

Communication is critical and the greatest ally for small, underfunded 
organisations is the internet.It is changing the way the world shares
and develops information.The Tibetan community must continue to 
develop and expand its expertise in electronic communication in 
order to maintain its edge in international relations.

Tibetans living in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Switzerland, should 
seriously consider obtaining proper travel documents (citizenship) 
in their host countries, to enable them to participate in international 

In future large scale campaigns, delegates should play an active role
beginning in the initial stages of the preparation process, so as to 
enable all participants to contribute effectively.

To the International Community:

Member states of the UN must develop a set of guidelines, 
that is, minimum guarantees which a country must make before it 
is given the privilege of hosting a UN conference. These minimum 
guarantees should include fair access for NGOs, freedom of 
expression and freedom of association.

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© Copyright Tibetan Women's Delegation, April 1996.