


VillageWhile the nations of the world shared their many perspectives on Sustainable Development at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992, so too, leaders and delegates from Indigenous Nations as diverse as the Inuit, the Onondaga, the Aymara, the Maori and the Nisga'a people, defined their agenda at the World Conference of Indigenous Peoples on Territory, Environment and Development, held at Kari-Oca, a village outside Rio.

The Xingu warriors reproduced in Rio their own way of living in harmony with nature. They set up Kari-Oca to celebrate the Indigenous World Summit. The Tucanos from the Amazon also took part in the village construction. They brought the northern architecture. This was the beginning of a cultural exchange among Indigenous Nations.

A nation is recognized by the language, the religion and the culture of the people.

Brazilian and foreign Indigenous Peoples who took part in the Kari-Oca Conference are facing a cultural confrontation. The event was decisive for the survival of Indigenous Nations.

Hosted by an Inter-Tribal Committee, this gathering provided Indigenous People with the opportunity to prepare their own policy statements and strategies concerning their relationship and decision-making capacity as partners in the global community and the 21st century new world order.

Organisations such as COICA (Amazon), Centro Mocovi (Argentina), CIDOB (Bolivia), AIDESEP (Peru), ONI (Colombia), UNI (Brazil), AFN (Canada), SEJEKTO (Costa Rica), ONONDAGA NATION (USA), ICC (INUIT: Canada, Russia, Alaska), WCIP (Canada), SAMMI NORDIC COUNCIL (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia), SARAWAK (Malaysia), KAMP (Philippines), BATWA (Rwanda) and MAORI (New Zealand), were represented.

Immediately following the Kari-Oca Conference, Indigenous leaders shared their perspectives with both governmental and non-governmental representatives and agencies.

International Relations | Kari-Oca to Kimberley | Kari-Oca Declaration | Earth Charter I Earth Charter - Interactive Version I Kari-Oca at UNCED I Kari-Oca Revisited

Relaciones Internacionales | De Kari-Oca a Kimberley | La Declaración de Kari-Oca I La Carta de la Tierra I La Carta de la Tierra - Version Interactiva I Kari-Oca en UNCED

Kari-Oca to Kimberley

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Copyright Natalie Drache 1999