The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is an advisory body to the Economic and Social Council with a mandate  to discuss indigenous issues related to:

Economic and Social Development





Human Rights

We wish to acknowledge the important work of doCip in their support, training and documentation with/and for Indigenous Peoples and their supporters over many years. doCip is a Swiss NGO linking Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations. Dialogue Between Nations is listed with doCip within their Regional List of Websites on Indigenous Issues.

doCip Indigenous Peoples' Center for Documentation, Research and Information, the Indigenous Rights Documentation Network and other contributers have created an extensive Indigenous Thesaurus of Human Rights Terms

Pierrette Birraux-Ziegler

Ms. Pierrette Birraux-Ziegler, Scientific Director,
Indigenous Peoples' Center for Documentation,
Research and Information (doCip)

We are interested in developing an interactive component based upon the work of these organizations which might assist visitors to the Dialogue Between Nations web site in their understanding of the work of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and their mandated themes.

We have created a pilot example in order to demonstrate possibilities of how this Thesaurus might serve as an index to direct individuals to issues and special programs located on our pages. Please click on the Human Rights link to access some of Dialogue Between Nations content through the Thesaurus menu.

Additional content related to the above issues can be accessed through the Dialogue Between Nations Site Map