globalisation process is laying a network of fibre optic cable around
the world; it is sending mobile technologies out into almost forgotten,
desolate territories; the wired world is another kind of community,
a new culture, to which the cost of membership is the cost of access.
it important for you and your community to have access to this wired
world and to the knowledge available within it, including your own?
Tl'azt'en Nation
Translation: Sometimes it's very difficult when you know how much
money and investment goes into technology and how can you justify it
when there are so many issues to deal with at home, but I think that
in looking at the big picture and looking down the road, the future
of our people, how we are going to use technology to in fact preserve
a lot of our knowledge, and it's really important to accept technology
and sciences with that in mind.
Beverly Bird
Partnering for Sustainable Resource Management:
Tl'azt'en Nation and the University of Northern BC
Community-University Research Alliance
"The EAGLE Project:
Re Mapping Canada from an Indigenous Perspective"
Cultural Survival Quarterly 1995 (18:4) 23-24
Edited by Peter Poole
Effects on Aboriginals from the Great Lakes Enviornment
E.A.G.L.E. Project
A Review of the EAGLE Project's Approach to Community-Based Research May
An Assembly of First Nations / Chiefs of Ontario / Health Canada

Goes In Center
Jhon Goes In Center
Native American and First Nations' GIS
ESRI Conservation - Native Geography
Annual Magazine of the ESRI Native American/First Nations Program
Mr. Jhon Goes In Center of Sinte Gleska University - slide presentation
Sinte Gleska University
Aboriginal Mapping Network
Peter Poole
Cultural Mapping and Indigenous Peoples: A report for UNESCO 2003 - Part 1
Peter Poole
Cultural Mapping and Indigenous Peoples: A report for UNESCO - Part 2
the Global Dialogue
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