Mililani B. Trask
Kia'aina de Ka Lahui Hawai'i
Primer Ministro de la Soberana Nación de Hawai'i


Traducción del Video: "Las 400 millones de voces indígenas en el mundo no son escuchadas ya que no nos consideran pueblos indigenas distintos, sino como un solo grupo indígena. Las naciones indígenas tienen derechos humanos, pero las Naciones Unidas nos llaman minorías, poblaciones aisladas. Y cuando expropian la tierra del Pueblo Yanomami y expulsan a sus habitantes de la misma, entonces nos llaman refugiados. Los refugiados, las minorías, y las poblaciones aisladas no tienen derechos humanos. No tienen los mismos derechos civiles, políticos, sociales y económicos que otra gente tiene."


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Rodolfo Rivera Munoz

8:27:02 PM To make an effective case in International Tribunals it is necessary that the State Processes be "exhausted" as we are trying to do here in San Antonio, Texas, US of A (San Quilmas by the sacred waters of the Yanaguana) because it was, after all, the US of A which first showed the Europeans how to do the type of "Representative" Government here invented without representation for our People. This was done by judicially defining us to be not of their People and not otherwise due equal treatment under law and we were then brainwashed into not recognizing the difference or understanding what was being done to us. The factor that must now be realized even by the European Immigrants to the US, and their descendants, is that the Brainwashing was just too pronounced and may have affected them and their descendants more than us. The end result is that it absolutely behooves us all to change this. We here in San Anto are struggling in the US Courts because they were created to maintain our oppression and bring about our extermination, (I say this as a lawyer who has practiced here for twenty four years but, although still "licensed," can no longer do so, not because I did anything I could be faulted for but because I know and will not ignore the humongous fraud that this system is), but if we keep working at it the Creator has much in the way of helping those whom should follow the good and rightious path. The only true path to our freedom and liberty is through recognizing that they have already taken all they thought they wanted from us and we are still here and still fighting. They never were able to understand why we, as members of a given People, would prefer to remain and suffer in squalid poverty with them (our People)than reap the evanescent never satisfying lure of the promises of the likes of Gold and glory accross the life ways' ever changing line of the Whites. We must however, also always keep in mind that the lies and outright fraud of the past are no longer easily swollowed even by Whites themselves. In spite of what seems so depressing and pesimistic a history in which our various Peoples' suffering has been so horrendous for so long, we must remember all those great many amongst our Forefathers who always knew that in the end our truth and just cause and strength and dignity to persevere as the Creator meant would see us through as has already come to pass. Aho.
Peace Justice
30 Aug 2001 20:37:04

 I'm an African woman and cannot even use my real name for fear of victimisation. I'm neither a lawyer nor a human rights activist, but I'm just someone from the grass-roots, a black person living in a western country and bombarded with real racism every waking moment of my life. So this is a very subjective report of real day-to-day racism. No matter how much we may deny it, racism is all about skin colour, namely black versus white. It's clear that I'm not welcome here because of my skin colour. I'm treated with a lot of frank hatred and rudeness that I know would never exist if my skin colour was a shade lighter. I've been told that I blacks are less intelligent which I strongly deny and can even prove. But the fact is if colonisation had never occurred, I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't even need to be here. I get high quality education from a very good African university but none of the western countries will acknowledge my degree simply because it's from an African college. To me that's a way to keep African down,and make sure that even the few lucky ones will never progress. It seems white people will never be happy until all the black people have been wiped out from this planet. That's their idea of a utopia, a perfect world without blacks. I'm sure right now they are just crossing their fingers hoping that the terrible virus [HIV] they created for biological warfare, will do the trick. That speech by Mililani B. Trask on indegenous peoples reminds me of the land situation in Zimbabwe When the white people came to settle in the land now called Zimbabwe, they literally 'grabbed' the land, killing a lot of indigenous black people and pushing those remaining to the least fertile areas of the country. They allocated farmland to themselves, and title deeds were dished out as long as you had the correct skin colour. Not a cent was paid for any of that land.That was 'colonisation' and those white 'murderers' were actually viewed as 'heroes'. Now when the black people want to reclaim what's rightfully theirs they are labeled thugs or terrorists. All these western countries that now cry foul to president Mugabe's actions on the Zimbabwe land crisis didn't think anything was wrong at that time! Why is it that when black people are killed in their hundreds or thousands noone cares, as if black people are not human, but when one white man dies all the white nations cry foul? As long as white people consider black people [esp. those of Africa] to be sub-human, racism will never be eradicated. The British exploited all the mineral riches of Southern Africa, especially gold. Noone has a record of how much gold was shipped to Britain from Zimbabwe and South Africa alone in the past century. Whatever the amount, I reckon it was enough for their agenda because now that they have no more use for it they make sure they keep the global market prices for gold down so that these so called third world countries can never compete fairly with them. White people are the 'self-appointed' masters of this world. Whenever a black person disputes or challenges this, they are labeled as 'difficult, a terrorist or an enemy' of the white race. That is exactly what is happening in Zimbabwe right now. Despite what we might call independence, colonialism still exists in Africa. It is economic colonization. Western nations are only happy with African puppet governments that they can keep down and oppressed. A government that seeks to be truly autonomous is labeled an enemy of the west. As it is all the western countries have ganged up against Mugabe because he was the first African leader to openly challenge IMF policies. He was also the first African leader to challenge the atrocities of colonialism, especially the land issue. [Mugabe] might have his other faults, but as far as the land issue is concerned, he's on the right track. I think it's high time the western nations get a wake-up call and be reminded that they are simply 'self-appointed' leaders of their world, and the rest of the world doesn't necessarily agree. They also need to be reminded that black is not synonymous with 'stupid'.
Donald Panther-Yates
 03 Sep 2001 13:53:19  

From an editorial in Cherokee Voice: From My Lodge to Yours Geneticists and government policy makers have declared an end to the concept of race, but its effect-racism-is alive and well. On July 1, Gov. Don Sundquist eliminated the Tennessee Commission of Indian Affairs with the stroke of a pen. The state's only agency representing Native American interests is now in a one-year "wind-down." State courts have since ruled that Native Americans from Tennessee have no official standing to question bulldozing of ancient graves on Hillsboro Road, a ritzy suburb. What can I say? In a previous incarnation, I operated a public relations agency on Music Row. My trading-post ancestors helped outfit the Cumberland settlers in the 1780s (they never paid their bills). I know the scene. Tennessee's anti-Indian legacy is notorious. Until the 1980s, Indian affairs were organized within the wildlife bureau. According to Joe White, a local elder who recently testified in legislative hearings, "There's supposed to be sixty-seven Native Americans in Lawrence County, Tennessee. Well, we know of over five hundred in Lawrence County." The statehouse in downtown Nashville is built on a desecrated temple mound: there are still bones in the basement. Tennessee has no reservations or state-recognized tribes and never compensated Native people for the appropriation of their lands during Indian Removal. It is hard to imagine a worse state for American Indian rights. Or is it? Curiously, Sundquist's staffers said the governor "was frustrated by infighting among Native Americans." We'd like to know who stirred up that infighting if it was not the government itself. Colonial attitudes in Tennessee are reminiscent of the worst shenanigans of "the white man's burden," another concept most people think dead. Everybody knows the rude savages were fighting each other to extinction when the peaceful pilgrims and gallant cavaliers arrived on these shores, right? I suggest the most damaging racist attitudes are found in the state of Native America, not in the state of Tennessee, South Dakota or even necessarily the U.S. Consider the following: · A Canadian webmaster replies to my simple request to link Cherokee Voice with her page by "accusing" me of being a "chief" and elder (I am the latter), saying she once met Chief Jackson (doesn't say which one), was "not impressed," and therefore cannot condone our activities. "It is not the policy of the People's Paths to in any way support bogus, wannabe, groups." · The well-known editor of an East Coast "powwow publication" that claims to sit in judgment on who is Indian joins my Amerind-US-SE e-mail discussion list. He proceeds to piss everyone off royally. I later learn he has disrupted at least four other genealogy listservs with the same truculence. · From another webmaster: "I see Southern Cherokee Links prominently featured on your site…but I am an AIM Florida affiliated site and I must fully support our policy, Federally Recognized ONLY." So what do I know, not even being entitled to call myself an elder-something my grandchildren and Thunderbird Clan members will find somewhat puzzling? Can we talk as human beings at least? How much power should a table inspector have? I know that Dennis Banks and Russell Means, co-founders of the American Indian Movement, have both explained that you are born an Indian. All Indians are members of AIM whether they know it or not…and whether others recognize it or not. Young leaders in Native America have lost sight of the original inspiration of the civil rights movement. Traditional Indian values of inclusiveness have given way to exclusive power politics and executive decisions. Many see recognition of potential allies as a matter of "entitlement" and don't want people muscling in on their game. They've become colonial in their behavior in the same way union bosses got to be indistinguishable from corporate executives. But, hey! If they ever get tired of sending out press releases down in Florida, they can go to Nashville. The governor claims he can't find any real Indians to appoint to his commission.
Rudy Casias MA CAC III
13 Mar 2002 11:42:59

For many generations the secular heads of business, state and religious institutions of the corrupt nations from Euro-Arabian-Spain has forced a process of assimilation and acculturation on the people of color of the Earth. Using their well established technique of divide and conquer and anti-spiritual methods of greed and terror these soul dead hoards have infested the entire viable surface of our once healthy plant. Spreading their toxic lies and religions, deadly communicable diseases and biological and radioactive poisons they have always most willingly destroyed the health of the Earth and its indigenous peoples to feed their rabid and van god of "more". For centuries men and women of color have had to choose between selling out their own personal principles and ideals and the cultural ethics and mores of their people to "work" for the good of these corporate fat cats. It was that or watch their families go without food, water, medicine or an education. Why do we need to continue selling out to these losers. It is only a matter of time before their house of cards comes tumbling down around their own ears. People of color do not need to be recognized by any of these dying institutions. Instead we need to establish and unite our own counsels of leaders. There is no need to buy into their lie of scarcity and seek "to get ours". It is only by people of color supporting these anorexic institutions that keeps them in power and abundance. We have reached a time when all people of color need to unite setting aside the differences and old scores that those in power love to fan and to learn to honor and utilize the diversity knowledge and spirit that our indigenous people have to offer. We are equal and need not beg to be recognized by the usurpers and usurers. The practical men of business and politics from the United States of America have no belief in quality for women of their own race and cultures and have voted down every equal right amendment that has ever come to vote in the congress or senate. Let us make a declaration full of the true meaning of the equality of human beings and build from the synergy of spirit inherent in our peoples. Forget that brass ring offered by the "dog eat dog" attitudes of a decadent society. To wish to become a "have" in a system designed to make have-notes is not a sane goal for the people. Thank you for your attention and good luck on your journey. We are all related Rudy
Helen Michell
14 Jul 2002 12:26:58

I have finally found a web site with other Indigenous people of te world,who know what it feels like to live in a racist and discriminating world,especially when the rulers are white. As you must know by now, we are in the midst of an Illegal Treaty Process, in British Columbia,Canada. With all the broken treatys, around the world, we do not need another modern broken treaty in this sovereign province. As we are the only non-treaty territory in Canada, we claim sovereignty as Indigenous people of British Columbia. For forty years we have been trying to educate the public, about our stand of No Treatys for B.C.,because we have lost everything dear to us, since the federal government took us on as wards of the government. We have lost the use of our traditional sacred lands, lost our homes, lost of our elders, loss of our children to white mormon homes, who have also sexually assaulted my nephews who were taken away at the age of 7. My nephews are now in their 20s now, and their past life still haunts them. It was hard for them to admit these abuses to us, but they have their trust in us. Because of our no treaty stand, we have been severlly beaten up, and mamed for life. Many of our other comerades never made it, a lot of them were murdered for their stand. We have suffered from sheriffs and police brutality. We have spent the last 25 years together,and most of those 25 years we spent in the unjustice system. Not one conviction on any of the charges. We also spent many years on probation.Many different Tribal councils, of many different territorys within this province, have also charged us with useless charges, that kept us in their courts system. As many of the tribal people also work in the justice system,in the native law centres, in the Indian Centres. So there is rampant nepatism, where they all protect each other and watch each others back. We as the Indigenous Sovereign people, are the persecuted and the prosecuted. The only way they make money on us is by putting us in white foster homes at first, than after we get older we are put their injustice system. That is another reason why the prisons are 30%Indigenous people from B.C., and yet we are .only 3%of the total population.The tribal councils live a rich mans life. They are living on the Blood moneys of our ancestors, by accepting the treatys, on lands that they claim as their own, theft of lands.Our people live in poverty, the children live in starvation. Housing is a major problem in Indigenous country. As the population of the younger Indigenous generation is overriding the elder generation by 70%. All those younger people need housing, and more lands, to survive this holocaust of a life. British Columbia, had the most Indigenous People than the rest of Canada, yet we have the smallest reservation in Canada.We were also the last Indigenous People to be discovered In this country. I am now 48 years old, but I did not see a white man until I was 10 years old. We lived a life of self-determination, We had a life, we grew our own garden, raised farm animals, kept the smoke house full of different kinds of meats and fishes. We also dried and canned wild berries,and we also canned meats and fishes. We had a root cellar where we kept food for the winter months. We had a huge land where we did haying for the horses, sacred lands where we picked our berries and medicines. My dad had a life of his own, by doing horse logging, which was much better than their clear cut logging today. We had a life of our own, with no hunger or starvation.We also had no running water or electric power.Our lives were much better then. Today we have so many different government levels looking after us as Indigenous People.Its time we start to look after our own again, because their governments have abandoned us long ago.We were once a self sufficiant people. So we will once again be a self sufficiant, self governing, and self determined people.We only need international support in every way.As we do have Human Rights within the International arenas, as Indigenous Sovereign people. Within the local levels of governments we have no Human Rights at all. We suffer discrimination and racism, even from our own tribal councils.Please Help us to stop these Treaty Chiefs from selling us out, to the federal governments. Our unceded sacred lands are not for sale, in British Columbia. We would like to boycott any dealings with British Columbia, on the International levels, until we recieve true justice. And to expose the injustices done to us, with regard to the Unjust Treaty. Thank you. Telqua.
COM 12 Mar 2003 11:50:21

lucie caron eby
05 Jun 2003 17:36:14

I am caught in the middle. My ancestor's were of Native origin born in acadia and the gaspe area. My question is where do i belong? I applied for my native status, because I didnot know which bands my ancestor's belonged too in the 1800's. I applied with a full family tree of my ancestors of names, dates and plaeces to the the Metis Nation Of Ontario, because of the deportation in acadia, the records were distroyed. records I have of my ancestor's donot say what origin they were. So my question is where do I belong! I donot know where to look for registers of the bands and Native Affairs donot do geneology. So, therefore my heritage is lost.
Gail Baer
03 Jul 2003 13:28:52

I read the commentary on racism, "Peace Justice", from 2001, and wanted to respond, but the writer's email address had expired and my letter to her came back to me. I wanted to say to her:

I do not deny you have experienced the racism that you report. Yet, I must remind you that there are both good and bad people in the world. I live in the U.S., am age 51, disabled because of a crime, and, for the last 12 years have not been afforded a career because Affirmative Action only seems to recognize that minorities should get the jobs here in the U.S., and stronger since, 1990, it seems.

Since 1990, I had fifty job interviews with african american HR officials and hiring authorities (mostly men, but a few women, too). None of them hired me, though I had 12+ years with a high government clearance (one of the highest), 18 years in DoD jobs, and 20+ years in administrative work. I am also unmarried, so am unprotected that way, either. Finally, two years ago, I took a wage job (I had only gotten contract work for the last ten years, was not able to get a permanent job, and had suffered enough as it was, when I got my B.A. late in life, at age 40, then it was "useless" one would hire me for that "substantive-level" job! I am caucasian, but have lived overseas (my parents were in the foreign service; I also worked on a kibbutz in my 20's.), at $9.00 an hour, with no medical benefits.

Also, my earning avocation is as a jazz singer (brazilian tunes and straight ahead stepfather was a local performing artist on the side, too, played piano and founded the Potomac Jazz Society), and locally, I was quite successful, so performed with people form all walks and races in life, and have several good friends who are african american who will perform with me anytime I need them, and are also friends, not just musical partners.

You are not the only one disenfranchised. Anyhow...getting back to my story...I finally took a low-paying wage job in a jewelry store. Two black men came in and robbed the store, tied me up with duct tape, held a gun to my head, and one attacker said, if you talk, you're dead." I suffered a disability from that, because I was just getting my feet back on the ground, had only worked at that store for 9 months (longer than the 3-6 months the contracts had previously afforded me, I was trying to get a long block on my resume), after my Insignificant Other abandoned me, after raising his child from age 10 to 18 (I cannot have children of my own; meanwhile I see plenty of welfare-to-work mothers...usually african americans...excuse me...who get trained and into Section 8 Housing, merely because they spit kids.)

Last September, I thought I landed a state administrative (also low-paying but required my degree, at least) job, local to me (which my disability requires.) My supervisor was a black man. When I told him about my disability (he was trying to tripple me up on three jobs, add to what wasn't my predecessor's functions, and have me cashier...not possible for me anymore, since my disability occurred while I was cashiering...cashiering was not part of my predecessor's job), he asked me, "Was your attacker black or white?" I was stunned. I did not say, "What difference does that make?", as I felt like asking. I said "black", to which he then said, "Am I going to morph into your attacker, then?" So he was playing race games with me, after he hired me. Then he asked me to produce my degree in the morning (as if he didn't believe me, was second-guessing me, still). I brought it in for him the next morning, along with my press releases about my music career, showing how I'd successfully marketed myself and was used to working in a diverse workforce (provable, I was on the bill with some jazz, african american greats, my name next to their headlines, sharing the venue with them.) I was bending over backwards to prove to this guy "If I can successfully market my sideline business for years, and here is proof, think of what I can do for this business." He fired me three days after I started working there. are not the only one to experience racism. Ten black american males in 2002 did not hire me, when I interviewed with them, and it gets more and more difficult each year that my work gap gets wider!

I just thought you would like to know a similar story, from the other side of the world.

Beatriz Bermudez
25 Sep 2003 11:59:20

Deseo estar informada del contenido de la pginas tengo cientos de horas en video grabadas con testimonios indigenas


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