C. Charfauros
Chamorro Nation
following submission to Dialogue Between Nations from Chamorro leader,
Mark C. Charfauros, has been written in order to open a global
dialogue between Mark, his colleagues, and visitors to this web site
on the topic of self-determination, with a focus on strategies and
solutions to concerns of the Chamorro people.
also hope that the term "self-determination" might be looked
at from distinct perspectives, and that you will take the time to
share your own struggle, and any positive progress which may have
been made between your community and the Nation State which occupies
your territory, with your host, Mark C. Charfauros.
of the Best Kept Secrets of the United States of America
of the best-kept secrets of the United States of America is on the
question of self-determination by the Chamorro people on an island
under colonial rule for over 400 years. The Chamorros were first colonized
by Spain, then came the United States, Japan for a short period during
World War II, and back to it's present colonizer, the United States
of America.
Chamorro people's inalienable right to self-determination is embodied
within the United Nations Charter and supported by various U.N. Resolutions
and Position Statements. Guam remains on the United Nations list of
non-self governing territories that has yet to exercise it's right
to self-determination. The United States has changed its official
position significantly since it signed a treaty with the nations of
the world to assist the native inhabitants of Guam in their quest
for self-determination.
present U.S. position on the Chamorro people's right to self-determination
is that this issue is no longer an international concern but an internal
issue of the U.S. The United States has challenged the right of the
Chamorro people to deliver testimony before the United Nations on
the progress of Chamorro self-determination under the colonial rule
of the United States of America. The U.S. has flooded the island of
Guam with it's own citizens and now claim that the question of Chamorro
self-determination must include the participation of all U.S. citizens.
The U.S. has utilized the Constitution of the United States of America
as the main reason why the Chamorro people cannot for themselves determine
their own destiny and relationship with its colonizer.
is ironic that the U.S. will use their Constitution to deny the Chamorro
people their right to self-determination on the basis that it is applicable
to the Chamorro people yet other rights granted under the same Constitution
has been denied. These rights include but are not limited to having
a voting representative in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives,
Chamorros are not allowed to vote for the U.S. President, and Guam
continues to be view as a foreign country by several Federal Departments
and Agencies. Putting it simply, Chamorros are good enough to be drafted
in the U.S. Armed Forces, good enough to tax, good enough take their
lands without just compensation or legal proceedings, but not good
enough to be made part of the United States. The U.S. Citizenship
of Chamorros are considered second class because it does not emulate
from the Constitution of the United States of America it comes from
a piece of document passed by the U.S. Congress called the Organic
Act of Guam.
Organic Act of Guam was passed on August 1, 1950 not to have the Chamorro
people enjoy a measure of U.S. citizenship but to justify the illegal
land takings of Chamorro homelands by the Federal Government. Under
the Constitution of the United States the Federal Government can only
condemn land owned by U.S. citizens. Since 1898 the U.S. Federal Government
initiated it's takeover of Chamorro homelands and regarded the indigenous
Chamorros as foreigners. The U.S. totally disregarded the fact that
the Chamorros have existed on Guam and the Mariana Islands for over
4,000 years. By enacting the Organic Act of Guam this made the Chamorro
people second class citizens since not all the protection and rights
granted under the U.S. Constitution were applicable but it was good
enough to legitimize their illegal land takings.
While the United States condemns mainland China for human rights violations
and launches air attacks on Yugoslavia for again human rights violations
they on the other hand feel their human rights violations against
the Chamorro people is nothing more then an internal problem.
