Working Group
to Prepare the Proposed American Declaration
on the Rights
of Indigenous Populations
12 January 2001
Original: Spanish
This document is a joint effort by the Chair of the Working Group to
Prepare the Proposed American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Populations and the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), through the specialist for this
topic, Dr. Oswaldo Kreimer.
The purpose is to
facilitate the discussions of the Working Group and to provide basic
information on the progress of the draft over time, on which parts of
the text have been agreed upon, and on which still remain the subject of
some disagreement.
- The
document is intended to guide the efforts of the Working Group as the
member states analyze and discuss the text and present proposals in
those areas on which a consensus has yet to be reached.
- To that end, it is
organized in three columns. The
first contains the original texts presented by the IACHR.
The second contains alternative proposals presented by member
states. The third contains
comments, observations, and alternative proposals presented by
representatives of indigenous populations
In keeping with the
method adopted by the Working Group, the major differences proposed by
member state representatives and indigenous representatives are
indicated in the second and third columns as follows:
proposals on which consensus has not been reached. |
- Parentheses (round
proposals, presented by states, on which partial or total agreement
might easily be reached |
original proposal by IACHR has been retained. |
phrases not agreed upon. |
- Made at the meetings
of the Government Experts Group in Washington, February 1999 (which
included an initial reading of the preamble) and the meeting of the OAS
Permanent Council’s Working Group to Prepare the Proposed American
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Populations in Washington,
November 1999 (which included an initial reading of the articles).
- This document was
prepared by the Executive Secretariat of the IACHR at the request of the
Chair of the Working Group, December 2000.
The texts have been taken from the Working Group’s document GT/DADIN/doc.1.99
rev. 1 corr. 1.
Original Project CIDH
Working Group Nov. 99 (STATES)
GT Nov. 99 Indigenous Proposed
(Approved by the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on February 26, 1997, at its 1333rd
session, 95th regular session)
member states of the Organization of American States (hereafter the states),
1. Indigenous
institutions and the strengthening of nations
The member states of the OAS (hereafter the states),
Recalling that the indigenous peoples of the Americas constitute
an organized, distinctive and integral segment of their population and are
entitled to be part of the national identities of the countries of the
Americas, and have a special role to play in strengthening the institutions
of the state and in establishing national unity based on democratic
principles; and,
[RECOGNIZING that the rights of indigenous [peoples/populations]
constitute a fundamental and profoundly significant issue in the present and
future history of the Americas];
1. Indigenous institutions and the strengthening of
[Recognizing that indigenous
[peoples/populations] form an integral part of the population of the Americas
and that their values and cultures are inextricably linked to the identity
both of the countries they live in and of the region as a whole] [Recalling that throughout the Americas
the indigenous [peoples/populations] constitute a distinctive element within
society, and have a special role to play in defining the national identity,
strengthening the institutions of the state and achieving national unity
based on democratic principles]
[Recognizing the immense contribution of indigenous
[peoples/populations] to the development and multicultural composition of our
societies and reiterating our commitment to their economic and social
well-being, as well as to the obligation to respect their rights and cultural
[Recalling that the indigenous [peoples/populations] of the
Americas are equal in dignity and rights to all other citizens;]
[Asserting that indigenous [peoples/populations] are equal in dignity
and rights to all other [peoples/populations], while recognizing their right
to be different, to be considered different, and to be respected as such];
Further recalling that the
presence of indigenous societies enriches the cultural heritage and national
identities of the American states and contributes to the intellectual,
artistic, social, and economic vitality of the Americas;]
[Recalling that the
indigenous [peoples/populations] of the Americas are preexisting,
distinctive, and integral societies and that they have a right to constitute
part of the national identity of the countries they inhabit];
Further recalling that some of the democratic institutions and
concepts embodied in the constitutions of American states originate from
institutions of the indigenous peoples, and that in many instances their
present participatory systems for decision-making and for authority
contribute to improving democracies in the Americas.
Further recalling that some of the democratic institutions and
concepts embodied in the constitutions of the American states stem from
institutions of the indigenous [peoples/populations], and many of their
present participatory systems for decision-making and for authority
contribute to improving democracies in the Americas;
[Recalling the important contributions indigenous [societies]
[peoples/populations] have made to the development of many of the political
concepts and democratic principles embraced by American states;]
[Recognizing that indigenous [societies] [peoples/populations]
have a vital and continuing role to play in strengthening the institutions of
American states and achieving national unity in accordance with democratic
Recalling the need to develop their national juridical systems
to consolidate the pluricultural nature of our societies.
[Mindful of the need to [develop] [strengthen] national
juridical systems [and policies] in order to consolidate the multiplicity of
cultures [, ethnic groups, and languages] in our societies;
3. Indigenous culture
and ecology
Recognizing the respect for the environment accorded by the
cultures of indigenous peoples of the Americas, and considering the special
relationship between the indigenous peoples and the environment, lands,
resources and territories on which they live and their natural resources.
3. Indigenous culture and ecology
* It has been proposed that this section be moved to
the operative part.
Recognizing the respect for the environment accorded by the
cultures of indigenous [peoples/populations] of the Americas, and considering
the special relationship between those [peoples/populations] and the
environment, the lands, the resources, and the territories in which they
4. Harmonious
Relations, Respect and the Absence of Discrimination
Reaffirming the responsibility of all states and peoples of the
Americas to end racism and racial discrimination, with a view to establishing
harmonious relations and respect among all peoples.
4. Harmonious relations, respect, and the absence of
Reiterating the responsibility incumbent upon all states to
combat racism and all forms of racial discrimination with a view to
eliminating them [AGREED ad referendum];
5. Territories and
Indigenous Survival
Recognizing that in many indigenous cultures, traditional
collective systems for control and use of land, territory and resources,
including bodies of water and coastal areas, are a necessary condition for
their survival, social organization, development and their individual and
collective well-being; and that the form of such control and ownership is
varied and distinctive and does not necessarily coincide with the systems
protected by the domestic laws of the states in which they live.
5. [Territory] [cultural territory] [habitat] and
indigenous survival
(* It has been proposed that this section be moved to the
operative part.
** It has been proposed that the subtitle be deleted or
that the word "territory" be deleted or replaced.)
Recognizing that for many indigenous [peoples/populations],
their various traditional systems for the use and control of their lands and
other resources are necessary conditions for their development and individual
and collective well-being. [AGREED ad referendum];
Recognizing that for many indigenous cultures their traditional
collective systems for the use and control of land, territories, resources,
waters, and coastal areas are necessary conditions for their survival, social
organization, development, and individual and collective well-being [differ
from those followed by other members of the population] [and that those
systems of control [and dominion] [may be] [are] varied, specific to them,
and not necessarily consistent with systems protected by ordinary law in the
states in which they reside];
Further recognizing the importance for all humankind of
preserving indigenous American cultures, which may include traditional
collective forms of land ownership, social organization, and religious
practices different from those followed by other members of the populations;
6. Security and indigenous areas
Reaffirming that the armed forces in indigenous areas shall
restrict themselves to the performance of their functions and shall not be
the cause of abuses or violations of the rights of indigenous peoples.
6. Human rights instruments and other advances in
international law
Recognizing the paramountcy of the American Declaration of the
Rights and Duties of Man, the American Convention on Human Rights and other
human rights instruments of inter-American and international law; and
[Recognizing the [applicability/relevance] throughout the Americas of
the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, and, where [duly
ratified/appropriate], other international human rights instruments,
including the American Convention on Human Rights;
Reiterating the universal, indivisible, and interdependent
nature of the human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized by the
international community. [AGREED ad referendum];
8. Enjoyment of
Collective Rights
Recalling the international recognition of rights that can only
be enjoyed when exercised collectively.
9. Advances in the
provisions of national instruments
Noting the constitutional, legislative and jurisprudential
advances achieved in the Americas in guaranteeing the rights and institutions
of indigenous peoples.
7. Advances in the provisions of national instruments
and different national situations
[Bearing in mind the diversity of circumstances in different
countries and the varying degrees of impact of indigenous communities in the
different states, as well as the constitutional, legislative, and
jurisprudential progress made in the Americas in securing the rights and
institutions of indigenous [peoples/populations], in order to consolidate the
multiplicity of cultures, ethnic groups, and languages in our societies
[APPROVED ad referendum];
8. The situation of indigenous [peoples/populations]
and specific circumstances in each country
Bearing in mind the foregoing
paragraph, this Declaration should be interpreted and applied in harmony and
in keeping with current legal systems in the member states and their
international commitments;
Bearing in mind that this
Declaration must be consistent with legal systems in force in member states
and with their international commitments;
* Note: The following proposals do not belong under
subheading No. 8
Recognizing that indigenous [peoples/populations] and their
societies have a vital role in [sustainable development and that their
know-how and traditional practices must be respected];
Encouraging states to recognize the identity, culture, and
interests of indigenous [peoples/populations] and their communities and make
possible their effective participation in the achievement of sustainable
development [AGREED ad referendum];
Recalling the commitment undertaken by the Heads of State and
Government in the Declaration of Principles of the First Summit of the
Americas, held in December 1994 in Miami, and at the Summit of the Americas
on Sustainable Development, held in Santa Cruz de la Sierra in December 1996,
and reaffirmed in the Plan of Action of the Second Summit of the Americas,
held in April 1998 in Santiago, Chile;
Desiring to promote and strengthen international cooperation
with respect to the economic, cultural, and social development of indigenous
[peoples/populations]; [AGREED ad referendum]
Recognizing the severe poverty in which many indigenous people
live in many parts of the Americas and the commitment made by the Heads of
State and Government at the 1994 Summit of the Americas to focus their
energies on improving the exercise of democratic rights and the access to
social services by indigenous people and their societies;
Article I. Scope and
1. This Declaration applies to indigenous peoples as well as
peoples whose social, cultural and economic conditions distinguish them from
other sections of the national community, and whose status is regulated
wholly or partially by their own customs or traditions or by special laws or
2. Self identification as indigenous shall be regarded as a
fundamental criterion for determining the peoples to which the provisions of
this Declaration apply.
3. The use of the term "peoples" in this Instrument
shall not be construed as having any implication with respect to any other
rights that might be attached to that term in international law.
For the purposes of the present Declaration, it shall be
understood that, (Guatemala)
Article I. Indigenous
[peoples/populations]1 are understood to be a group of individuals
who, within the National State, retain basic distinctive traits from a
culture that existed prior to European colonization, such as language;
practices and customs; social, economic, cultural, and political
institutions; and whose members consider themselves to be part of that
indigenous culture. (Chair)
[peoples/populations] are understood to be those social and cultural groups
which, within National States, retain basic distinctive traits from a culture
that existed prior to the establishment and constitution of the Nation-State,
such as language; normative systems; social, economic, cultural, and
political institutions or a part thereof; and who self-identify and are
recognized as members of that indigenous culture. (Mexico)
The use of the term
“[peoples/populations]” in this Declaration shall not be construed as having
any implication concerning other rights that might be associated with the
term under international law.
1 Several representatives
of indigenous populations indicated that it would not be appropriate for
states to define the concept of “indigenous populations," this being the
sole province of the communities involved.
Self-identification, as an essential criterion for the recognition of
an indigenous people, is not subject to any obligation. No term could encompass the multiplicity
and variety of such communities existing in the Hemisphere. They indicated
that they were neither ethnic minorities nor racial minorities nor
populations (the latter term referring to communities not necessarily
invested with historical continuity). They defined themselves as peoples, or
collective, autonomous entities, with age-old languages, whose organization,
shaped by lands, waters, forests, and other natural resources, afforded them
a special world view and a unique social structure ensuring their continuity.
representatives of indigenous populations indicated that the progress made,
both at the level of national law and in the efforts of multilateral
organizations, show that discussions have focused on the content of the
rights of indigenous communities rather than on attempts to arrive at some
sort of definition. They said it was important here to preserve references to
their collective rights, since their individual rights were already enshrined
in numerous instruments of international law. They concluded that the term “people” should remain in the
draft Declaration, and that, should it not, examining the subsequent articles
would be meaningless.
people have the collective and individual right to maintain and develop their
identities and specific characteristics, including the right to identify
themselves as indigenous and to be recognized as such.” (National Congress of
American Indians)
Article II
a. “Self-determination”2
is understood to mean the ability of indigenous [peoples/populations] to
exercise their forms of political, economic, social, and cultural
organization within a framework of autonomy and self-government compatible
with the national unity of the State.
a. “Self-determination” is understood to mean the ability
of indigenous [peoples/populations] to exercise their forms of political,
economic, social, and cultural organization within a framework of autonomy
and self-government compatible with the organizational structure of each
State. (Brazil)
a. “Self-determination” is understood to mean the ability
of indigenous [peoples/populations] to freely develop and exercise their
forms of political, economic, social, and cultural organization; and to
guarantee their access to the State jurisdiction, within a framework of
autonomy and self-government compatible with the national unity and juridical
organization of the States. (Mexico)
“Indigenous peoples have the right to
self-determination. They may freely
determine their political status and pursue their economic, social, and
cultural development by virtue of this right.” (National Congress of American
b. This
framework of autonomy of self-government finds legal expression in areas and
at levels where indigenous [peoples/populations], in accordance with national
legislation, exercise their forms of political, economic, social, and
cultural organization.
Article III
“Territory”3 is understood to mean the entire
habitat, including the lands on which indigenous [peoples/populations] are
settled or which they enjoy in some fashion, with the modalities established
under national legislation.
“Lands” are understood to mean the entire habitat, including the
lands on which indigenous [peoples/populations] are settled or which they
enjoy in some fashion, with the modalities established under national
legislation. (Peru, Argentina)
“Lands” are understood to mean those areas of land which indigenous peoples may own or
have exclusive use of. (Canada)
“Territories” are understood to be those areas which indigenous
peoples do not own and do not have exclusive use of, but where they may
conduct their traditional lifestyles, in accordance with domestic law or
agreement. (Canada)
Article IV4
None of these definitions shall be interpreted to have the
meaning that might be attributed to them in general international law.
2. The representatives of indigenous populations indicated that
the terms “people” and “self-determination” could not be separated, and that
the latter accorded political status, as well as economic, social, and
cultural rights, which the indigenous communities could not relinquish, since
these constituted a historical right that had been wrested from them. They also stated that
"self-determination" could not be defined by those outside the
community in question, this being the exclusive province of that community. Self-determination was a right of
indigenous peoples, while sovereignty pertained to the state. In no way was self-determination meant to
infringe upon the territorial integrity of the state. The intent was, rather, to enhance
national unity, to secure recognition of the existence of such communities,
invested with a distinct and special world vision, within the context of
existing states. The right to secede
was not the aim. Genuine autonomy
must be built upon a pluralist foundation, with due recognition of the
indigenous communities' own institutions.
Such autonomy was one way to exercise self-determination within a
On the concept of "territory," the
representatives of indigenous populations said this was deeply connected with
their spirituality, their culture, their language, their way of life, and
their relationship with the environment, and thus it was important that the
term remain in the draft Declaration.
Land, in Western culture, was something to be worked, a source of
wealth subjugated to commerce. For
the indigenous peoples, it was an element of their very lives, a factor in
their existence as a group or community within an integrated world view that
included their traditional approaches to political representation. The concept of territory was vital to defining
all the rights of indigenous peoples.
Moreover, the term "lands" could not sufficiently express
that reality. However, since the
populations had developed such a diverse range of approaches to territorial
relations, any attempt to define the word "territory" would impose
limitations on the traditional rights of indigenous communities.
The representatives of
indigenous populations also called upon governments to include in their
domestic legislation the three concepts discussed in this section, that is,
“peoples,” “territory,” and “self-determination,” recognizing thereby the
diversity of these communities.
Article II. Full
observance of human rights
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the full and effective
enjoyment of the human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized in the
Charter of the OAS, the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man,
the American Convention on Human Rights, and other international human rights
law; and nothing in this Declaration shall be construed as in any way limiting
or denying those rights or authorizing any action not in accordance with the
instruments of international law including human rights law.
Article II. Full observance of human rights
1. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] are entitled to the full and effective enjoyment of the
human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized in the OAS Charter, the
American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, the American Convention
on Human Rights, and other international human rights instruments; and
nothing in this Declaration shall be construed as in any way limiting,
restricting, or denying those rights or authorizing any action not in
accordance with the principles of international law, including that of human
1. Indigenous individuals have the
right to the full and effective enjoyment of the human rights and fundamental
freedoms recognized in the Charter of the OAS, the American Declaration of
the Rights and Duties of Man, and, where duly ratified, other international
human rights instruments, including the American Convention on Human Rights;
nothing in this Declaration shall be construed as in any way limiting,
[restricting,] or denying those rights or authorizing any action not in
accordance with the relevant instruments of international law, including
human rights law. (United States)
2. Indigenous peoples have the collective rights that are
indispensable to the enjoyment of the individual human rights of their
members. Accordingly the states recognize inter alia the right of the
indigenous peoples to collective action, to their cultures, to profess and
practice their spiritual beliefs, and to use their languages.
2. Indigenous [peoples/populations] have the collective
rights that are indispensable for full enjoyment of the individual human
rights of their members. Accordingly,
the states recognize the right of indigenous [peoples/populations] inter alia to collective action; (to
their social, political, and economic organization;) (to recognition of their
sets of rules;) to their own cultures; to profess and practice their
spiritual beliefs, and to use their languages.
2. Indigenous
individuals may exercise their rights, including those as set forth in this
Declaration, individually as well as in community with others, without
discrimination. Indigenous
individuals have a right to be free from discrimination based upon their
asserted [Tr. Spanish text says “established”] indigenous status or
membership in an indigenous society. (United States)
“States shall therefore
recognize the basic social, economic, political, and cultural rights of
indigenous peoples, and in particular, the collective right to lands,
territories, and resources, and the right of indigenous peoples to
self-determination.” (National Congress of American Indians)
3. The states shall ensure for indigenous peoples the full
exercise of all rights, and shall adopt in accordance with their
constitutional processes such legislative or other measures as may be
necessary to give effect to the rights recognized in this Declaration.
3. The states shall guarantee all indigenous
[peoples/populations] the full exercise of their rights, and shall adopt–in
accordance with their constitutional provisions–such legislative or other
measures as may be necessary to give effect to the rights recognized in this
Declaration (, in accordance with their practices and customs).
3. States should, in accordance with international law,
take concerted positive steps to ensure respect for all human rights and
fundamental freedoms of indigenous individuals, on the basis of equality and
non-discrimination, and recognize the value and diversity of their distinct
identities and culture. (United States)
4. States are
encouraged to remove any impediments to the free exercise and full enjoyment
of these rights. (United States)
Article III. Right to
belong to indigenous peoples
Indigenous peoples and communities have the right to belong to
indigenous peoples, in accordance with the traditions and customs of the
peoples or nation concerned.
Article III. Right to
belong to indigenous [peoples/populations]
persons and communities have the right to belong to indigenous [peoples/
populations], in accordance with the traditions and customs of the
[peoples/populations] or nation concerned.
States should
recognize the authority of indigenous [peoples/populations] to exercise
autonomy in determining membership, consistent with international human
rights. (United States
Article IV. Legal
status of communities
Indigenous peoples have the right to have their legal
personality fully recognized by the states within their systems.
Article IV. Legal
[peoples/populations] have the right to have their legal status fully
recognized by the states within their legal systems.
States should
provide appropriate mechanisms to extend legal status to [recognize the legal
status of] indigenous entities [peoples/populations], enabling such
[peoples/populations] to operate corporately, or in other comparable effective
form, under State law. (United States)
Subject to the
specific provisions of each country’s legislation, states shall ensure that
legal status is granted to indigenous [peoples/populations], communities, and
organizations. (Brazil, Chile, Argentina)
The traditional
authorities of indigenous peoples, elected according to their practices and
customs, shall have the power to represent these [peoples/populations] and to
act in a legal capacity on their behalf. (Bolivia)
“States shall recognize
the right of indigenous peoples in law in keeping with their traditional
forms of representation or such legal norms as these peoples may develop.
States shall adopt the necessary legislative measures for the recognition of
this right.” (Hector Huertas from Panama)
Mr. Juan León, indigenous representative of the Mayan people of
Guatemala, suggested that the title of Article 4 be “Legal recognition of
indigenous peoples” (which includes existence, identity, and law), which
distinguishes between the right of an entity in law and its legal capacity.
Mr. Margarito Ruiz of Mexico requested that reference to “traditions” be
included in the article.
Article V. No forced
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to freely preserve, express
and develop their cultural identity in all its aspects, free of any attempt
at assimilation.
2. The states shall not undertake, support or favour any policy
of artificial or enforced assimilation of indigenous peoples, destruction of
a culture or the possibility of the extermination of any indigenous peoples.
Article V. Rejection of forced assimilation
1. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to freely maintain, express and develop
all aspects of their cultural identity, untrammeled by any attempt at
1. Indigenous people
[people/populations] have the right to maintain their distinct cultures,
beliefs, religions, and languages, subject to reasonable regulation
consistent with international standards. (United States)
2. The states
shall not (undertake, support, or favor) (should not adopt, support, or
favor) any policy of artificial or forced assimilation of indigenous
[peoples/populations], destruction of (their) (a) culture or possibly of the
extermination of an indigenous [people/population](and its heritage).
2. States shall refrain from adopting any measure that
would result in the forced assimilation of indigenous [people/populations],
and from supporting theories or taking actions that entail discrimination,
destruction of a culture, or the possibility of genocide. (Brazil)
2. States repudiate
any attempt at artificial or forced assimilation, and the destruction, of an
autochthonous culture, and shall guarantee effective exercise of the
previously mentioned right. (Paraguay)
The National Congress of American Indians also proposed
replacing the present wording of Article 5 of the proposed declaration with
the following:
“Indigenous peoples have
the collective and individual right not to be subjected to ethnocide or
cultural genocide, including the right to prevention of and reparation for:
a. Any act whose purpose
or effect is to deprive indigenous peoples of their integrity as unique
peoples, or their cultural values, or their ethnic identity;
b. Any act whose purpose or effect is to deprive them of their
territories or natural resources;
c. Any type of displacement whose purpose or effect is the
violation or prejudice of any of their rights;
d.Any type of assimilation by or integration into other cultures
or lifestyles imposed through legislative, administrative, or other measures;
e. Any type of propaganda
directed against them.”
Article VI. Special
guarantees against discrimination
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to special guarantees
against discrimination that may have to be instituted to fully enjoy
internationally and nationally-recognized human rights; as well as measures
necessary to enable indigenous women, men and children to exercise, without
any discrimination, civil, political, economic, social, cultural and spiritual
rights. The states recognize that violence exerted against persons because of
their gender and age prevents and nullifies the exercise of those rights.
2. Indigenous peoples have the right to fully participate in the
prescription of such guarantees.
Article VI. Special guarantees against
1. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to such (special guarantees) (have
recourse to the guarantees contemplated under domestic legislation) against
discrimination as may be required for full enjoyment of internationally and
nationally recognized human rights, and to any measures necessary to enable
indigenous women, men and children to exercise their civil, political,
economic, social, cultural and (religious) (spiritual) rights (and their cosmovisions)
(without any discrimination). The
states recognize that violence used against persons because of their (race,
creed) gender or age (or political or religious affiliation) obstructs and
nullifies the exercise of those rights.
1. Where
circumstances warrant, States should take measures to enable indigenous
individuals to exercise fully and effectively all their human rights and
fundamental freedoms without any discrimination. States are encouraged to take “special measures” aimed at the
immediate, effective, and continuing improvement of indigenous economic and
social conditions. (United States)
2. Indigenous [peoples/populations] have the right to
full participation in the prescription (and exercise) of such guarantees.
2. All rights and
freedoms herein are equally guaranteed to indigenous women and men. States recognize that gender-based
violence impedes and undermines the exercise of those rights. (United States)
Finally, regarding Article 6 of the proposed declaration, the
National Congress of American Indians proposed replacing the phrase “special
guarantees” with “special measures.”
“The states shall adopt
the measures necessary to prevent discrimination, ethnocide, and cultural
genocide in indigenous populations.” (Altepetls Nahuas, A.C./Seminario
Article VII. Right to
Cultural integrity
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to their cultural
integrity, and their historical and archeological heritage, which are
important both for their survival as well as for the identity of their
2. Indigenous peoples are entitled to restitution in respect of
the property of which they have been dispossessed, and where that is not
possible, compensation on a basis not less favorable than the standard of
international law.
3. The states shall recognize and respect indigenous ways of
life, customs, traditions, forms of social, economic and political
organization, institutions, practices, beliefs and values, use of dress, and
Article VII. Right to cultural integrity
1. Indigenous [peoples/populations]
have the right to their cultural integrity, [and their historical and
archeological heritage,] which are important both for their (continuity as a
society) (survival) and for the identity of their members.
1. States
should respect the cultural integrity of indigenous [peoples/populations],
their relationship with their own lands and environment, as well as their
historical and archaeological heritage, which are important to the identity
of the members of their groups and their ethnic survival. (United States)
[2. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] are entitled to the restitution of property of which
they have been dispossessed, [or, when that is not possible, to compensation
on a basis no less favorable than the standard recognized by international
Brazil suggests eliminating paragraph 2.
2. Indigenous [peoples/populations]
have the right to own their heritage and to restitution if they have been
dispossessed of it.(Mexico)
2. States should provide an
effective legal framework for the protection of indigenous culture,
including, where appropriate, mechanisms for the repatriation of cultural
property. (United States)
3. The
states recognize and (respect) (promote respect for) indigenous lifestyles,
customs, traditions, forms of social organization, institutions, practices,
(beliefs, values), (cosmovisions) clothing, and languages.
3. States should take appropriate
measures to prevent discrimination based on indigenous lifestyles, customs,
traditions, forms of social organization, use of dress, languages, and
dialects, and other cultural practices. (United States
Article VIII.
Philosophy, outlook and language
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to indigenous languages,
philosophy and outlook as a component of national and universal culture, and
as such, shall respect them and facilitate their dissemination.
Article VIII. (Logical conceptions and
language) (Linguistic rights)
1. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to their own languages, philosophy, and
(cosmovision) [logical conceptions] as a component of national and universal
culture, and as such, the states shall recognize, respect, and promote them,
(in consultation with the [peoples/populations] involved.)
1. States recognize that indigenous
languages, philosophy, and outlook are a component of national and universal
culture, and, as such, states should respect them and, where appropriate,
facilitate their dissemination. (United States)
“Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right to preserve
and practice their indigenous language, philosophy, and outlook as a
necessary expression of their distinct culture. The states shall take
appropriate measures to protect the exercise of this right.” (Indian Las
Resource Center)
“Indigenous peoples have the right to revitalize,
use, develop, and transmit to future generations their histories, languages,
oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems, and literature, and to designate
and retain their own names for communities, places, and persons.” (National
Congress of American Indians
2. The states shall take measures and ensure that broadcast
radio and television programs are broadcast in the indigenous languages in
the regions where there is a strong indigenous presence, and to support the
creation of indigenous radio stations and other media.
2. The
states shall take measures to promote [and ensure] that radio and television
programs are broadcast in the indigenous languages in areas having a strong
indigenous presence, and to support the creation of indigenous radio stations
and other means of indigenous communications.
2. To encourage diversity of voices
and viewpoints, states should take appropriate measures under their national
systems wherever possible to facilitate radio and television broadcasts in
indigenous languages in regions having large indigenous populations, and to
encourage the development of indigenous radio stations and other media.
(United States)
2. The states shall take measures to
promote and ensure that indigenous languages are used by radio and television
stations in areas having a strong indigenous presence, and to support the
creation of indigenous means of communication. (Mexico)
“Where there is a strong
indigenous presence, the states shall take measures to ensure that broadcast
radio and television programs are broadcast in the appropriate indigenous
languages. The state shall also support the creation of indigenous radio
stations and other media.” (Indian Law Resource Center)
3. The states shall take effective measures to enable indigenous
peoples to understand administrative, legal and political rules and
procedures, and to be understood in relation to these matters. In areas where
indigenous languages are predominant, states shall endeavor to establish the
pertinent languages as official languages and to give them the same status
that is given to non-indigenous official languages.
4. Indigenous peoples have the right to use their indigenous
names, and to have the states recognize them as such.
3. The
states shall take effective measures to enable indigenous
[peoples/populations] to understand administrative, legal and political rules
and procedures, and to be understood in relation to these matters. In areas
where indigenous languages predominate, states shall expend the necessary
efforts to have them established as official languages [and to grant them the
same status that is accorded to non-indigenous official languages].
3. States should take measures to
enable indigenous [peoples/populations] to understand and to be understood
when dealing with laws and administrative, legal, and political procedures.
(United States)
3. The states shall take effective
measures to enable indigenous [peoples/populations] to have full access to
state jurisdiction in their own languages. (Mexico)
4. Indigenous [peoples/populations]
have the right to use their indigenous names, and to have the states
recognize them as such.
Article IX. Education
1. Indigenous peoples shall be entitled: a) to establish and set
in motion their own educational programs, institutions and facilities; b) to
prepare and implement their own educational plans, programs, curricula and
materials; c) to train, educate and accredit their teachers and
administrators. The states shall endeavor to ensure that such systems
guarantee equal educational and teaching opportunities for the entire
population and complementarity with national educational systems.
Article IX. Education
1. (Taking
into consideration the minimum standards set by the competent state
authority, (in countries in which national curricula are in force,) for the
national education system,) Indigenous [peoples/populations] shall be
entitled: (a) to establish and set in motion their own educational programs,
institutions and facilities; (b) to prepare and implement their own
educational plans, programs, curricula, and teaching materials; and (c) to
train, educate, and accredit their teachers and administrators, (in consultation
with the competent state authorities and in accordance with applicable
education laws and standards). [The
states shall take steps to ensure that such systems guarantee equal
educational and teaching opportunities for the general population as well as
complementarity with the national educational systems.]
1. States should recognize the
authority of indigenous [peoples/populations] to (a) establish and operate
their own educational programs, institutions, and facilities; (b) to prepare
and apply their own educational plans, programs, curricula, and materials;
and (c) to train and accredit their own teachers and administrators, provided
that indigenous educational programs meet generally applicable minimum state
requirements in the field of education. (United States)
2. When indigenous peoples so decide, educational systems shall
be conducted in the indigenous languages and incorporate indigenous content,
and they shall also be provided with the necessary training and means for
complete mastery of the official language or languages.
3. The states shall ensure that those educational systems are
equal in quality, efficiency, accessibility and in all other ways to that
provided to the general population.
4. The states shall include in their general educational
systems, content reflecting the pluricultural nature of their societies.
5. The states shall provide financial and any other type of
assistance needed for the implementation of the provisions of this article.
2. When
indigenous [peoples/populations] so desire, educational systems shall be
conducted (where practicable) in the indigenous languages and shall
incorporate indigenous content, and they shall also be given the necessary
training and means for complete mastery of the official language or
2. Non-discriminatory
access to public education is a right that should be enjoyed by indigenous
individuals in common with other citizens of the State. State-funded education should respect
indigenous cultures. (United States)
3. The
states shall ensure that those educational systems are equal in quality,
efficiency, accessibility and in all other respects to that provided to the
general population.
3. States
should take appropriate measures so that, wherever possible, indigenous
individuals have adequate opportunities to learn their native indigenous
language or to receive instruction in that language. (United States)
Proposal by Canada for a new paragraph:
Indigenous children living outside their
communities should, where practicable, have access to education in their own
culture and language.
4. The
states shall include in national general educational systems content
reflecting the pluricultural nature of their societies.
[5. The
states shall provide financial and any other type of assistance needed to
implement the provisions of this article, (without prejudice to support for
the rest of the population).]
5. States
should take appropriate measures to provide resources for these purposes
(United States)
Argentina suggests deleting paragraph 5.
Canada suggests merging paragraphs 3 and 5 into a single paragraph,
which would then read as follows:
“States [shall/should] take effective
measures to provide appropriate resources for these purposes.”
Article X. Spiritual
and religious freedom
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to freedom of conscience,
freedom of religion and spiritual practice, and to exercise them both
publicly and privately.
Article X. Spiritual and religious freedom
1. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have (shall have) the right to freedom of conscience,
freedom of religion and spiritual practice, [and to exercise them both
publicly and privately].
1. Indigenous individuals have the
right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. (United States)
peoples and individuals have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and
religion; this right includes freedom to change one’s religion or belief, and
freedom in public or private, to manifest their religion or belief in
teaching, practice, worship and observance.” (Indian Law Resource Center)
2. The states shall take necessary measures to prohibit attempts
to forcibly convert indigenous peoples or to impose on them beliefs against
their will.
2. The states shall take the necessary measures to
prohibit attempts to forcibly convert indigenous [peoples/populations] or to
impose on them beliefs against their will.
2. This right shall include freedom to have or adopt a
religion or belief of her or his choice, and freedom, either individually or
in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion
or belief in worship, observance, practice, and teaching. (United States)
2. Indigenous [peoples/populations] have the right to
preserve and practice their religious or philosophical beliefs, the only
condition being respect for public order and the full and effective enjoyment
by the persons making up those [peoples/populations] of their internationally
recognized human rights. States must
take the necessary measures to prohibit any attempt to forcibly convert an
indigenous [people/population] or to impose on it beliefs or religious
practices against its will. (Inter-American Juridical Committee, with
amendment by Mexico. English
It also proposed that in paragraph 2 the
words “forcibly convert” be replaced by the words “to convert indigenous peoples without their free and informed consent”.
(Indian Law Resource Center)
3. In collaboration with the indigenous peoples concerned, the
states shall adopt effective measures to ensure that their sacred sites,
including burial sites, are preserved, respected and protected. When sacred
graves and relics have been appropriated by state institutions, they shall be
3. In collaboration with the indigenous
[peoples/populations] concerned, the states shall (make best efforts to)
adopt effective measures to ensure that their sacred places, including burial
sites, are preserved, respected and protected. [When sacred graves and relics have been appropriated by state
institutions (or private entities), they shall be returned.]
3. States shall take appropriate measures, in
consultation with the indigenous [peoples/populations] concerned, to preserve
and protect sites that are sacred to them, including burial sites. States should provide an effective legal
framework for the return of sacred objects, relics, and human remains taken
from graves or sacred sites. (United States)
"Indigenous peoples
and individuals have the right to maintain and protect their cultural and
religious properties including sacred sites, relics, graves and the human
remains and articles found within graves. This includes the right to
restitution of religious and cultural property taken without their free and
informed consent or in violation of their laws, traditions and customs. In
collaboration with the indigenous peoples concerned, the states shall adopt
effective measures to ensure that such properties are preserved, respected
and protected. Where appropriated by
state institutions, they shall be returned." (National Congress of
American Indians)
4. The states shall encourage respect by all people for the
integrity of indigenous spiritual symbols, practices, sacred ceremonies,
expressions and protocols.
[4. The states
shall ensure respect from society as a whole (and from institutions) for the
integrity of indigenous spiritual symbols, practices, sacred ceremonies,
expressions and protocols.]
Mexico suggests deleting this paragraph.
4. States are encouraged to respect
the use of sacred and ceremonial areas and to provide for indigenous access
to and use of such sites as may be under the management or control of a
State. (United States)
Article XI. Family
relations and family ties
1. The family is the natural and basic unit of societies and
must be respected and protected by the state. Consequently the state shall
recognize and respect the various forms of indigenous family, marriage,
family name and filiation.
2. In determining the child's best interest in matters relating
to the protection and adoption of children of members of indigenous peoples,
and in matters of breaking of ties and other similar circumstances,
consideration shall be given by courts and other relevant institutions to the
views of the peoples, including individual, family and community views.
Article XI. Family relations and family ties
1. The
family is the natural and basic unit of societies and must be respected and
protected by the state. [Consequently, the state shall recognize and respect
the various forms of the indigenous (family), (parental systems), marriage,
(assignment of name) family name and filiation.]
1. The family in all its forms is
the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to
protection by society and the State. (United States)
2. In
determining the child’s best interests in matters relating to the protection
and adoption of children of members of indigenous [peoples/populations], and
in the severance of ties and other similar circumstances, consideration shall
be given by courts and other relevant institutions to the views of the
[peoples/populations], including individual, family and community views.
2. Consistent
with international human rights instruments, States should accord appropriate
recognition to indigenous institutions, laws, and traditions concerning the
family and the integrity of family relations. (United States)
3. Proposal
by Mexico regarding indigenous women pending.
“In all actions concerning
children, the state has a duty to respect the responsibilities, rights, and
duties of parents, or where applicable, the members of the extended family or
community as provided for by local customs”. (Indian Law Resource Center)
Article XII. Health and
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to legal recognition and
practice of their traditional medicine, treatment, pharmacology, health
practices and promotion, including preventive and rehabilitative practices.
Article XII. Health and well-being
1. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to [legal] [recognition and practice of
their traditional medicine, treatment, pharmacology, health practices and
promotion], including preventive measures and rehabilitation], (subject to
national laws).
Argentina suggests that no reference should be made
to legal recognition of the practice of their traditional medicine,
treatment, pharmacology, health practices and promotion, including preventive
measures and rehabilitation.
1. Indigenous [peoples/populations]
have the right to practice their traditional medicine, treatment,
pharmacology, practical notions, and health promotion, within the framework
of existing legislation and the general public health policies of the State.
(Mexico and Peru)
1. Indigenous [peoples/populations]
are entitled to State recognition of their traditional medical practices,
treatment, pharmacology, practical notions and health promotion. (Venezuela)
1. States should take appropriate
measures to protect the freedom of indigenous individuals to use, maintain,
develop, and manage their own health services, provided such services meet
the standards of generally applicable laws adopted in the interest of public
health and welfare. In addition, indigenous individuals have the right to
non-discriminatory access to health services available to the general public.
(Unites States)
1. Indigenous peoples preserving
traditional forms of social organization, communal governance system, or
traditional practices and customs with respect to family, health, education,
property, commercial or productive activities, or the prevention and
punishment of criminal activities, have the right to preserve and freely
exercise such rights, the only condition being respect for public order and
the full and effective enjoyment by the persons making up those
[peoples/populations] of their internationally recognized human rights. The State must make every reasonable
effort, in consultation with the parties concerned, to harmonize and reconcile
the effect of these customs with the overall legal system.(Inter-American
Juridical Committee)
Proposal by Chile for a new paragraph:
States undertake to seek, in accordance their
domestic legislation, ways to make traditional medicine compatible with
scientific medicine.
2. Indigenous peoples have the right to the protection of vital
medicinal plants, animal and mineral in their traditional territories.
2. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to protection of (live organisms and)
(medicinal plants, animals, and) minerals (used for medicinal purposes) that
are vital for survival in their traditional territories.
2. States should take reasonable
measures to protect from endangerment or extinction medicinal plants and
animals that are vital to indigenous medicine. (United States)
2. States shall endeavor to protect
medicinal plants, animals, and minerals of indigenous [peoples/populations]
in their traditional territories. (Canada)
3. Indigenous peoples shall be entitled to use, maintain,
develop and manage their own health services, and they shall also have
access, on an equal basis, to all health institutions and services and
medical care accessible to the general population.
4. The states shall provide the necessary means to enable the
indigenous peoples to eliminate such health conditions in their communities
which fall below international accepted standards for the general population.
3. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] shall be entitled to use, maintain, develop and manage
their own health services, (in accordance with national standards and, on the
same footing as other members of society, indigenous individuals shall also
have access) and they shall also have access to all health institutions and
services and medical care (accessible to the general population).
3. Where circumstances so warrant,
states, in consultation with indigenous [peoples/populations], should take
measures to improve health conditions in indigenous societies and assist them
to maintain health conditions in accordance with nationally and
internationally accepted standards. (United States)
4. The
states shall (make best efforts to) provide the necessary means for
indigenous [peoples/populations] to (eliminate) (improve) any health
conditions in their communities that fall below the standards accepted for
the general population.
Proposal by Brazil for a new paragraph:
Indigenous peoples shall be entitled to fair and
equitable distribution of the profits generated by commercial exploitation of
their traditional know-how. (Brazil)
New paragraph proposed by Bolivia:
Indigenous [peoples/populations] have the right to
participate in the use and exploitation of the renewable natural resources in
their traditional territories. (Bolivia)
Article XIII. Right to
environmental protection
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to a safe and healthy
environment, which is an essential condition for the enjoyment of the right
to life and collective well-being.
Article XIII. The right to environmental
1. (States
shall make best efforts to provide) Indigenous [peoples/populations] (have
the right to) (with) a safe and healthy environment, which is an essential
condition for enjoyment of the right to life and collective well-being, (and
indigenous [peoples/populations] shall also enjoy possession and use of
resources that are not of strategic importance to the State).
1. States should take reasonable
measures to ensure that regions inhabited by indigenous [peoples/populations]
enjoy the same measure of protection under environmental legislation and
through enforcement action as others within the national territory. (United
2. Indigenous peoples have the right to be informed of measures
which will affect their environment, including information that ensures their
effective participation in actions and policies that might affect it.
3. Indigenous peoples shall have the right to conserve, restore
and protect their environment, and the productive capacity of their lands,
territories and resources.
4. Indigenous peoples have the right to participate fully in
formulating, planning, managing and applying governmental programmes of
conservation of their lands, territories and resources.
5. Indigenous peoples have the right to assistance from their
states for purposes of environmental protection, and may receive assistance
from international organizations.
2. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to be informed (and consulted) of
(regarding) measures which could affect their environment, including
information ensuring their effective participation in acts and policies which
might affect it.
2. Indigenous
individuals are entitled to nondiscriminatory access to information on
environmental hazards and participation in the development of public policy
with respect to the environment. (United States)
3. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] shall have the right to conserve, restore, (exploit)
and protect their environment and the productive capacity of their [lands],
[territories] and resources.
3. As
part of the management of their own lands, indigenous [peoples/populations]
may regulate environmental conditions consistent with applicable State
standards and may participate in the formulation and implementation of
governmental conservation programs undertaken with respect to those lands.
(United States)
4. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to full participation in formulating,
planning, managing, and applying governmental programs (and policies) for the
conservation (and exploitation) of their [lands], [territories], and
4. States
are encouraged to take measures to help indigenous [peoples/populations]
preserve the environment and should provide them with nondiscriminatory
access to generally available programs for purposes of environmental protection.
(United States)
4. States shall make best efforts to
eliminate such health conditions in indigenous communities which fall below
internationally accepted minimum standards.
5. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] shall have the right to assistance from their states
for purposes of environmental protection, and shall be allowed to receive
assistance from international organizations, (in accordance with procedures
established in national legislation).
6. The states shall prohibit and punish, and shall impede
jointly with the indigenous peoples, the introduction, abandonment, or
deposit of radioactive materials or residues, toxic substances and garbage in
contravention of legal provisions; as well as the production, introduction,
transportation, possession or use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons
in indigenous areas.
6. The
states shall prohibit and punish, and in conjunction with the indigenous
[peoples/populations], shall impede the introduction, abandonment, or deposit
of radioactive materials or residues, toxic substances and waste material in
contravention of legal provisions; as well as the production, introduction,
transportation, possession or use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons
in indigenous areas. (The Chair proposes including a reference to drug
trafficking, and the passing on, holding of, or trafficking in chemical
The National Congress of American Indians proposed amending
Article 13, paragraph 6 of the proposed declaration by replacing the phrase
“in contravention of legal provisions” with “unless the free and informed consent of the affected peoples has
been obtained.”
7. When a State declares an indigenous territory as protected
area, any lands, territories and resources under potential or actual claim by
indigenous peoples, conservation areas shall not be subject to any natural
resource development without the informed consent and participation of the
peoples concerned.
7. When
a state declares an indigenous territory to be a protected area, and in the
case of any [lands], [territories] [under potential or actual claim] by
indigenous [peoples/populations], as well as [lands] used as natural
biopreserves, conservation areas shall not be subject to any natural resource
development without the[ informed consent and] (informed) participation of
the [peoples/populations] concerned.
“When the state is giving consideration to establishing a
protected area on or near to an indigenous territory, legally recognized or
under claim, the state shall obtain the free and informed consent of the
affected indigenous peoples prior to authorizing or implementing such a
proposal. Protected areas shall not be subject to natural resource
development without the free and informed consent of the affected indigenous
peoples. (National Congress of American Indians)
Indigenous peoples have the right to declare,
wholly or in part, their territories as indigenous-owned and managed
protected areas and the state shall recognize and respect such decision.”
(National Congress of American Indians)
Article XIV. Rights of association, assembly, freedom of
expression and freedom of thought
1. Indigenous peoples have the right of association, assembly
and expression in accordance with their values, usages, customs, ancestral
traditions, beliefs and religions.
Article XIV. The
rights of association, assembly, freedom of expression, and freedom of
1. Indigenous [peoples/populations]
have the right of association, assembly, and expression pursuant to their
values, usages, customs, ancestral traditions, beliefs, and religions (, in
keeping with national law) (and bearing in mind the international instruments
on the matter).
1. Indigenous
individuals have the right to freedom of association, assembly, opinion, and
expression. (United States).
Regarding specific proposals for modifying articles of the
proposed declaration, the National Congress of American Indians, the
Amerindian Peoples Association of Guyana and the Toledo Maya Cultural
Council, and the Upper Sioux Community by Poi Co proposed changing the first
phrase of paragraph 1 of Article 14 to read, “Indigenous peoples and individuals.”
2. Indigenous peoples have the right of assembly and to the use
of their sacred and ceremonial areas, as well as the right to full contact
and common activities with their members living in the territory of
neighboring states.
2. Indigenous [peoples/populations]
have the right of assembly and to the use of their sacred and ceremonial
areas, as well as the right to full contact and common activities with their
members living in the territory of neighboring states (, in keeping with
state border control regulations).
2. In those cases where a single
indigenous population is established in the territory of two or more states,
the latter shall spare no reasonable effort–without prejudice to their public
policy, to their security and defense, or to measures necessary to prevent
criminal or illicit activities–to preserve communication, cooperation, and
traditional exchanges among individuals belonging to that indigenous
population. (CJI)
2. Indigenous
peoples have the right of assembly and to the use of their sacred and ceremonial
areas, subject to the existing rights of third parties. They also have the right to maintain and
develop contacts, relations and undertake activities with their members, and
with other indigenous peoples, across borders, which may be subject to
reasonable and non-discriminatory customs and immigration regulation.
2. Indigenous individuals have the
right to full contact and common activities with sectors and members of their
ethnic groups living in the territory of neighboring states, subject to the
nondiscriminatory enforcement of customs and immigration laws. (United
“Indigenous peoples and
individuals have the right to the use of their sacred and ceremonial areas as
well as the right to establish and maintain without any discrimination, free
and peaceful contacts with other indigenous peoples and individuals that live
in the territories of neighboring states or across state borders.” (National
Congress of American Indians, Amerindian Peoples Association of Guyana and
the Toledo Maya Cultural Council, and the Upper Sioux Community)
Article XV. Right to
self government
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to freely determine their
political status and freely pursue their economic, social, spiritual and
cultural development , and accordingly, they have the right to autonomy or
self-government with regard to inter alia culture, religion,
education, information, media, health, housing, employment, social welfare,
economic activities, land and resource management, the environment and entry
by nonmembers; and to determine ways and means for financing these autonomous
Article XV. [The
right to self government]
1. [Indigenous [peoples/populations]
have the right to freely determine (their traditional forms of communal
association) (their political status) and freely pursue their economic,
social, spiritual, and cultural development, and are therefore entitled to
(participate in managing their specific institutions) [autonomy or
self-government] with regard, inter
alia, to culture, religion, education, information, media, health,
housing, employment, social welfare, economic activities, land and resource
management, the environment and entry by nonmembers; and to determine ways
and means for financing these autonomous functions.]
1. States
should recognize, where appropriate and on the basis of a fair and open
process, a broad range of autonomy for indigenous [peoples/populations] to
manage their local and internal affairs, including social, economic, and
cultural matters. States are
encouraged to utilize indigenous [peoples/populations] to deliver social and
economic services to indigenous societies. (United States).
* Note
from the Chair: This question
(paragraph 1) depends upon what is decided regarding the section on
“Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By
virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely
pursue their economic, social, spiritual and cultural development. As a
specific form of exercising their right to self-determination, have the right
to autonomy and self-government with regard to inter alia culture, religion,
education, information, media, health, housing, employment, social welfare,
economic activities, land and resources management, the environment and entry
by non-members; and to determine ways and means for financing these
autonomous functions.” (National
Congress of American Indians, Amerindian Peoples Association of Guyana and
the Toledo Maya Cultural Council, and the Upper Sioux Community)
2. Indigenous peoples have the right to participate without
discrimination, if they so decide, in all decision-making, at all levels,
with regard to matters that might affect their rights, lives and destiny.
They may do so directly or through representatives chosen by them in
accordance with their own procedures. They shall also have the right to
maintain and develop their own indigenous decision-making institutions, as
well as equal opportunities to access and participate in all state institutions
and fora.
2. Indigenous [peoples/populations]
have the right to participate without discrimination, if they so decide, in
decision-making, at all levels, concerning matters which might affect their
rights, lives, and destiny. They may
do so directly or through representatives chosen by them pursuant to their
own procedures. They shall also have
the right to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision-making
institutions, as well as equal opportunities to gain access to, and participate
in, all national institutions and fora.
2. Indigenous
individuals have the right to participate on an equal basis with other
citizens in all national fora, including local, provincial, and national
elections. Where a state's policy,
decision, or action will have a direct effect on indigenous property, rights,
or other interests, states are encouraged to provide indigenous people [peoples/populations] or their representatives the opportunity
to be heard on the subject. (United States)
Article XVI. Indigenous
1. Indigenous law shall be recognized as a part of the states'
legal system and of the framework in which the social and economic
development of the states takes place.
Article XVI. Indigenous
1. Indigenous law shall be recognized
as a part of [the states' legal systems and] the framework in which the
states’ social and economic development takes place.
1. The
law of indigenous [peoples/populations] shall be recognized as part of the
legal systems, framework for social and economic development, and pluralism
of states. (Mexico)
1. Indigenous
law shall be recognized as an integral part of state legal systems and the
framework for social and economic development of indigenous
[peoples/populations]. (United States)
1. Indigenous
law shall be taken into account when decisions involving indigenous
[peoples/populations] are adopted. (Argentina)
1. The
law of indigenous [peoples/populations] shall be recognized as part of the
legal system and framework for economic and social development of each state,
as long as that system and that framework are not incompatible with the
fundamental rights defined by the national legal system or with
internationally recognized human rights. (Guatemala)
2. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and reinforce
their indigenous legal systems and also to apply them to matters within their
communities, including systems related to such matters as conflict
resolution, crime prevention and maintenance of peace and harmony.
2. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to maintain and reinforce their (legal)
(regulatory) systems and to apply them to affairs within their communities,
including systems addressing such matters as conflict resolution, crime
prevention, and the maintenance of peace and harmony.
2. States, where appropriate, should take measures to
enhance the capacity of indigenous [peoples/populations] to maintain and
strengthen their own legal systems with respect to internal matters,
including control of real property and natural resources, resolution of
disputes within and between indigenous [peoples/populations], law
enforcement, and maintenance of internal peace and harmony. (United States)
“The official decisions,
rulings and actions of indigenous institutions shall be fully recognized,
honored and enforced by the institutions of the state.” (National
Congress of American Indians, Amerindian Peoples Association of Guyana and
the Toledo Maya Cultural Council, and the Upper Sioux Community)
3. In the jurisdiction of any state, procedures concerning
indigenous peoples or their interests shall be conducted in such a way as to
ensure the right of indigenous peoples to full representation with dignity
and equality before the law. This shall include observance of indigenous law
and custom and, where necessary, use of their language.
* Note: The United States proposal is intended to
consolidate paragraphs 2 and 3.
3. In the jurisdiction of each
state, procedures involving indigenous persons or their interests shall be
conducted in such a way as to ensure the right of indigenous
[peoples/populations] to full representation with dignity and equality before
the law. [This (may) (shall) include
observance of indigenous law and customs and, where necessary, (in criminal
proceedings,) (the use of) their language (through interpretation). Venezuela proposes that the second part of
the paragraph be deleted.
Article XVII. National
incorporation of indigenous legal and organizational systems
1. The states shall facilitate the inclusion in their
organizational structures, the institutions and traditional practices of
indigenous peoples, and in consultation and with consent of the peoples
2. State institutions relevant to and serving indigenous peoples
shall be designed in consultation and with the participation of the peoples
concerned so as to reinforce and promote the identity, cultures, traditions,
organization and values of those peoples.
Article XVII. (National
incorporation of indigenous legal and organizational systems) (Right of
access of indigenous peoples to state jurisdiction) (Incorporation of
traditional practices of indigenous populations in national institutions)
1. The states shall facilitate the
(incorporation) (inclusion), where practicable, of the institutions and
traditional practices of indigenous [peoples/populations] in their (national)
(organizational) structures, in consultation with, and subject to the consent
of, the [peoples/populations] concerned.
1. The
states should facilitate inclusion within their national organizational
structures, wherever appropriate, of institutions and traditional practices
of indigenous [peoples/populations]. (United States)
2. The relevant institutions in each
state which serve indigenous [peoples/populations] should be designed in
consultation with, and with the participation of, the [peoples/populations]
concerned, so as to reinforce and promote the identity, cultures, traditions,
organization, and values of those [peoples/populations].
2. The
institutions of each state shall be designed or updated in consultation with
indigenous [people/populations], thereby guaranteeing their access to state
jurisdiction. (Mexico)
2. States are encouraged in
predominantly indigenous areas to facilitate the design and establishment of
institutions that reflect and reinforce the identity, culture, and
organization of those populations, to promote indigenous participation. (United States)
Finally, regarding Article 17, they noted that paragraph 2
should also ensure that “no decisions
directly relating to their rights and interests are taken without their free
and informed consent.” (.” (National
Congress of American Indians, Amerindian Peoples Association of Guyana and
the Toledo Maya Cultural Council, and the Upper Sioux Community)
Article XVIII. Traditional forms of ownership and cultural
survival. Rights to land, territories
and resources
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the legal recognition of
their varied and specific forms and modalities of their control, ownership,
use and enjoyment of territories and property.
2. Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition of their
property and ownership rights with respect to lands, territories and resources
they have historically occupied, as well as to the use of those to which they
have historically had access for their traditional activities and livelihood.
3. i) Subject to 3.ii.), where property and user rights of
indigenous peoples arise from rights existing prior to the creation of those
states, the states shall recognize the titles of indigenous peoples relative
thereto as permanent, exclusive, inalienable, imprescriptible and
ii) Such titles may only be changed by mutual consent between
the state and respective indigenous peoples when they have full knowledge and
appreciation of the nature or attributes of such property.
iii) Nothing in 3.i.) shall be construed as limiting the right
of indigenous peoples to attribute ownership within the community in
accordance with their customs, traditions, uses and traditional practices,
nor shall it affect any collective community rights over them.
4. Indigenous peoples have the right to an effective legal
framework for the protection of their rights with respect to the natural
resources on their lands, including the ability to use, manage, and conserve
such resources; and with respect to traditional uses of their lands,
interests in lands, and resources, such as subsistence.
Article XVIII. Traditional forms of property
ownership [and cultural survival].
The rights to land and territories
1. Indigenous [peoples/populations] have the right to
legal recognition of their varied and specific forms and modes of possession,
control, and enjoyment of [territories and] property (, on the basis of each
state's legal system).
1. States should respect the culture
and values of indigenous [peoples/populations] and the special relationship
between indigenous societies and their lands and interests in their lands,
including traditional uses such as subsistence farming. (USA)
1. Indigenous [peoples/populations]
have the right to legal recognition of their collective and individual
possession, their control, and their enjoyment of their lands, as provided
under the law of each state, as well as the use of those to which they also
have had access for their traditional activities and livelihood. (Mexico; this text would combine
paragraphs 1 and 2.)
2. (In
accordance with applicable national law,) Indigenous [peoples/populations]
are entitled to recognition of their property and ownership rights with
respect to lands, territories, and resources they have (traditionally)
(historically) occupied, and to the use of those to which they also have had
access for their traditional activities and livelihood.
2. States should recognize forms of
corporate ownership of land that reflect indigenous land tenure systems.
2. In accordance with specific national
law, indigenous [peoples/populations] have the permanent, exclusive,
inalienable, imprescriptible, indefeasible, and nontransferrable right of
possession, ownership, and use of lands they traditionally occupy and of
lands to which they traditionally have had access for their traditional
activities and livelihood. (Brazil; this text would combine paragraphs 2 and
3. i. Subject to the contents of
3.ii., when property and user rights of indigenous [peoples/populations]
arise from rights existing prior to the creation of those states, the states
shall recognize the titles of indigenous [peoples/populations] relative
thereto as permanent, exclusive, inalienable, imprescriptible, and
ii. Such
titles may be changed only by mutual consent between the state and the
indigenous [peoples/populations] involved and when the latter have full
knowledge and understanding of the nature or attributes of such property.
iii. Nothing in 3.i. shall be construed as limiting the
right of indigenous [peoples/populations] to attribute ownership within the
community in accordance with their customs, traditions, usages, and
traditional practices, nor shall it affect any collective community rights
4. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to an effective legal framework for the
protection of their rights with respect to the natural resources on their
lands, including the ability to use, manage, and conserve such resources, and
with respect to traditional uses of their lands and their interest in lands
and resources, such as subsistence items.
4. States should provide an
effective legal framework for the protection of the rights of indigenous
[peoples/populations] with respect to their natural resources on their lands,
including the ability to use, manage, and conserve such resources, … such as subsistence. (USA)
“Their lands, territories and natural resources [delete ‘on
their lands’] including the ability to use, develop, manage and conserve such
lands, territories and resources; and with respect to traditional uses of
their lands, territories and resources such as subsistence.” (National
Congress of American Indians, Upper Sioux Community, Ameridian People
Association of Guyana and the Toledo Maya Cultural Council)
5. In the event that ownership of the minerals or resources of
the subsoil pertains to the state or that the state has rights over other
resources on the lands, the governments must establish or maintain procedures
for the participation of the peoples concerned in determining whether the
interests of these people would be adversely affected and to what extent,
before undertaking or authorizing any program for planning, prospecting or
exploiting existing resources on their lands. The peoples concerned shall
participate in the benefits of such activities, and shall receive
compensation, on a basis not less favorable than the standard of
international law for any loss which they may sustain as a result of such
5. [In
the event that subsoil minerals or subsoil resources belong to the state, or
that the state has rights to other resources on the lands, the states shall
establish or maintain procedures for the participation of the
[peoples/populations] concerned in determining whether their own interests
would be adversely affected, and to what extent, before undertaking or
authorizing any program for prospecting, planning, or exploiting the
resources existing on their lands.
The [peoples/populations] concerned shall participate in the benefits
of such activities[[, and shall receive compensation, on a basis no less
favorable than the standard sum under international law,] for any loss they
may sustain as a result of such activities]]. Argentina proposes that the last part of the paragraph be
deleted. Venezuela proposes that the
entire paragraph be deleted. Brazil proposes that the reference to
compensation on a basis no less favorable than the standard sum under
international law be deleted.
5. In situations in which the state
retains the ownership of mineral or subsurface resources or rights to other
resources pertaining to lands held by indigenous societies, states should
establish procedures to consult with them before undertaking or authorizing
any program for exploiting such resources.
Where possible, indigenous [peoples/populations] should benefit from
these activities and receive just compensation for any damages sustained as a
result. (USA)
“Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop
priorities and strategies for the development or use of their lands. Territories and other resources, including
the right to require that states obtain their free and informed consent prior
to the approval of any project affecting their lands, territories and other resources,
particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation
of mineral, water or other resources, compensation shall be provided for any
such activities and measures taken to mitigate adverse environmental,
economic, social, cultural or spiritual impact.” (National Congress of
American Indians, Upper Sioux Community, Ameridian People Association of
Guyana and the Toledo Maya Cultural Council)
6. Unless exceptional and justified circumstances so warrant in
the public interest, the states shall not transfer or relocate indigenous
peoples without the free, genuine, public and informed consent of those
peoples, but in all cases with prior compensation and prompt replacement of
lands taken, which must be of similar or better quality and which must have
the same legal status; and with guarantee of the right to return if the
causes that gave rise to the displacement cease to exist.
6. Unless
exceptional circumstances so warrant in the public interest, the states shall
not transfer or relocate indigenous [peoples/populations] without the free,
genuine, public, and informed consent of those [peoples/populations]; [and in
all cases with prior compensation and] prompt replacement of lands
appropriated, which must be of similar or better quality and have the same
legal status; and guaranteeing the right to its return if the causes that
gave rise to the displacement cease to exist.
6. States are encouraged to avoid
relocation of indigenous societies.
As a general matter, the free and informed consent of indigenous
[peoples/populations] should be obtained before they are removed from their
lands. Where such consent cannot be
obtained, such removals should take place only in exceptional circumstances
following appropriate procedures established by national laws and
regulations. When indigenous
[peoples/populations] have been removed from their lands, they should be
given the opportunity to return should the reasons for their relocation cease
to exist. (USA).
“Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their
lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free and
informed consent of the indigenous people concerned and after agreement on
just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of
return.” (National Congress of
American Indians, Upper Sioux Community, Ameridian People Association of
Guyana and the Toledo Maya Cultural Council)
7. Indigenous peoples have the right to the restitution of the
lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned or
otherwise occupied or used, and which have been confiscated, occupied, used
or damaged, or when restitution is not possible, the right to compensation on
a basis not less favorable than the standard of international law .
7. [Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to restitution of the lands,
territories, and resources which they have traditionally owned or otherwise
occupied or used, and which have been confiscated, occupied, used, or
damaged; or, when restitution is not possible, the right to compensation on a
basis no less favorable than the standard set by international law .] Argentina, seconded by Venezuela, and
Brazil proposes that this paragraph be deleted.
“They shall be provided
with lands of equal value and quality, and if this is not possible, the affected
people (s) has the right to compensation on a basis not less favorable tan
the standard of International Law”
(National Congress of American Indians, Upper Sioux Community, Ameridian People Association of Guyana and the Toledo
Maya Cultural Council).
The United States proposes four new paragraphs:
States should respect the physical
security of indigenous [peoples/populations]. During periods of armed conflict, states may require the total
or partial evacuation of indigenous people if the security of the population
or imperative military reasons so demand.
States should protect the right of indigenous
individuals to own, develop and enjoy land, and interests in land, to the
same extent as other individuals.
States should protect indigenous individuals and
[peoples/populations] in the use and occupancy of their land. If their land is taken by the state, it
should be for a public purpose and just compensation should be provided. States should consider the possibility of
negotiated settlements, including the return of land as appropriate, when not
otherwise required by law.
States should establish penalties and enforcement
mechanisms to protect the lands of indigenous individuals and
[peoples/populations] from unauthorized intrusions and uses.
8. The states shall take all measures, including the use of law
enforcement mechanisms, to avert, prevent and punish, if applicable, any
intrusion or use of those lands by unauthorized persons to take possession or
make use of them. The states shall give maximum priority to the demarcation
and recognition of properties and areas of indigenous use.
8. The
states shall take all possible measures[, including the use of law
enforcement mechanisms,] to avert, prevent, and punish, when applicable, any
intrusion on or use of those lands by unauthorized persons in order to take
possession or make use thereof. [The
states shall place maximum priority on the demarcation and recognition of
properties and areas of indigenous use.]
Article XIX. Workers
1. Indigenous peoples shall have the right to full enjoyment of
the rights and guarantees recognized under international labor law and
domestic labor law; they shall also have the right to special measures to
correct, redress and prevent the discrimination to which they have
historically been subject.
Article XIX. Workers' rights
1. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] shall be entitled to full enjoyment of the rights and
guarantees recognized under international labor law and domestic labor law
(which have been recognized by the states); and to special measures to
correct, redress, and prevent the discrimination to which they (might be
subjected) (have historically been subjected).
1. Indigenous individuals have the
right not to be subjected to any discriminatory conditions of labor,
employment, salary, or other related benefits. (USA)
Proposal by Canada:
Indigenous individuals shall enjoy fully all rights
established under applicable international and national labor law. States should take immediate and effective
measures to ensure that indigenous children are protected from the worst
forms of child labor.
individuals have the right not to be subjected to any discriminatory
conditions of labor, employment, or salary.
2. To the extent that they are not effectively protected by laws
applicable to workers in general, the states shall take such special measures
as may be necessary to:
a. effectively protect the workers and employees who are members
of indigenous communities in respect of fair and equal hiring and terms of
b. to improve the labor inspection and enforcement service in
regions, companies or paid activities involving indigenous workers or
c. ensure that indigenous workers:
i) enjoy equal opportunity and treatment as regards all
conditions of employment, job promotion and advancement; and other conditions
as stipulated under international law;
ii) enjoy the right to association and freedom for all lawful
trade union activities, and the right to conclude collective agreements with
employers or employers' organizations;
iii) are not subjected to racial, sexual or other forms of
iv) are not subjected to coercive hiring practices, including
servitude for debts or any other form of servitude, even if they have their
origin in law, custom or a personal or collective arrangement, which shall be
deemed absolutely null and void in each instance;
v) are not subjected to working conditions that endanger their
health and safety;
vi) receive special protection when they serve as seasonal,
casual or migrant workers and also when they are hired by labor contractors
in order that they benefit from national legislation and practice which must
itself be in accordance with established international human rights standards
in respect of this type of workers, and,
vii) as well as their employers are made fully aware of the
rights of indigenous workers, under such national legislation and
international standards, and of the recourses available to them in order to
protect those rights.
2. To
the extent to which they are not effectively protected by laws applicable to
workers in general, the states shall take such special measures as may be
necessary to:
a. effectively
protect workers and employees who are members of indigenous communities in
regard to fair and equal hiring and terms of employment;
b. improve
the labor inspection and enforcement service in regions, companies, or paid
activities involving indigenous workers or employees;
c. ensure
that indigenous workers:
i. enjoy
equal opportunity and treatment as regards all conditions of employment, job
promotion and advancement; and other conditions as stipulated under
international law;
ii. enjoy
the right of association (for lawful purposes), the freedom to engage in all
(lawful) trade union activities, and the right to enter into collective
agreements with employers or with workers’ organizations;
iii. are
not subjected to racial, sexual, or other forms of harassment;
iv. are
not subjected to coercive hiring practices, including servitude for debts or
any other form of servitude, even if they are based on law, custom, or an
individual or collective arrangement, which shall be deemed absolutely null
and void in each instance;
v. are
not subjected to working conditions that endanger their health and personal
safety; and
vi. receive
special protection when they serve as seasonal, casual, or migrant workers,
and also when they are hired by labor contractors, so that they will benefit from
national law and practice, which must itself be consistent with established
international human rights standards for this type of worker; and
vii. that
their employers are also made fully aware of the rights of indigenous
workers, pursuant to national law and international standards, and of the
resources and means available to them for the protection of those rights.
2. Indigenous individuals should
have the right to special measures, where circumstances so warrant, to
correct, redress, and prevent the discrimination to which they may have been
subject historically. (USA)
Article XX.
Intellectual property rights
1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition and the
full ownership, control and protection of their cultural, artistic, spiritual,
technological and scientific heritage, and legal protection for their
intellectual property through trademarks, patents, copyright and other such
procedures as established under domestic law; as well as to special measures
to ensure them legal status and institutional capacity to develop, use,
share, market and bequeath that heritage to future generations.
Article XX. Intellectual property rights
1. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to the recognition and full ownership,
control, and protection of their cultural, artistic, spiritual,
technological, and scientific (and biogenetic) heritage, and legal protection
of their intellectual property through patents, trademarks, copyright, and
other such procedures as established under domestic law; [as well as to special measures which
ensure them legal status and institutional capacity to develop, use, share,
market, and bequeath that heritage to future generations]. Venezuela proposes that the last section
be deleted; Mexico seconds the motion.
1. Indigenous individuals are entitled to apply for and receive, on a
non-discriminatory basis, legal protection for their intellectual property
through trademarks, patents, copyright, and other such procedures as
established under domestic law. (USA)
1. Indigenous
populations and their members shall have the right to benefit from the
intellectual property rights system under the same terms as the general
population. The state shall spare no reasonable effort to protect the
intellectual property rights of the indigenous population and its members and
to prevent third parties from using an indigenous population's lack of
familiarity with intellectual property rights to their own advantage. (CJI)
2. Indigenous peoples have the right to control, develop and
protect their sciencies and technologies, including their human and genetic
resources in general, seed, medicine, knowledge of plant and animal life,
original designs and procedure.
3. The states shall take appropriate measures to ensure participation
of the indigenous peoples in the determination of the conditions for the
utilization, both public and private, of the rights listed in the previous
paragraphs 1. and 2.
2. Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to control and develop their sciences
(and) technologies (and genetic resources), including their human and genetic
resources [in general, seeds, medicine, knowledge of plant and animal life,
and original designs and procedures](in keeping with applicable national
law). Mexico proposes that all the
text in square brackets be deleted.
3. The
states shall take appropriate measures to ensure the participation of
indigenous [peoples/populations] in determining the rights cited in
paragraphs 1 and 2.
Article XXI. Right to
1. The states recognize the right of indigenous peoples to
decide democratically what values, objectives, priorities and strategies will
govern and steer their development course, even where they are different from
those adopted by the national government or by other segments of society.
Indigenous peoples shall be entitled to obtain on a non-discriminatory basis
appropriate means for their own development according to their preferences
and values, and to contribute by their own means, as distinct societies, to
national development and international cooperation.
2. Unless exceptional circumstances so warrant in the public
interest, the states shall take necessary measures to ensure that decisions
regarding any plan, program or proposal affecting the rights or living
conditions of indigenous peoples are not made without the free and informed
consent and participation of those peoples, that their preferences are
recognized and that no such plan, program or proposal that could have harmful
effects on those peoples is adopted.
Article XXI. (The right to development)
(Economic development)
1. The
states recognize the right of indigenous [peoples/populations] to decide
(autonomously) [democratically] what values, objectives, priorities, and
strategies will (guide) (govern and orient) the course of their development[,
even when these differ from those adopted by the state at the national level
or by other segments of society].
Indigenous [peoples/populations] shall be entitled to obtain, without
discrimination of any kind, appropriate means for their own development
[according to their preferences and values; and to contribute in their own
ways, as distinct societies, to national development and international
1. States should take reasonable
measures to consult with indigenous [peoples/populations] when considering
public policies for the economic development of indigenous lands or regions,
or programs that will affect the living conditions or other legitimate
interests of such societies. (USA)
2. Unless
exceptional circumstances so warrant in the public interest, the states shall
take the necessary measures to ensure that decisions regarding any plan,
program, or proposal affecting the rights or living conditions of indigenous
[peoples/populations] are not made without the free and informed [consent
and] participation of those [peoples/populations]; that their preferences are
recognized; and that no provision which might have negative effects on those
[peoples/populations] is adopted.
3. Indigenous peoples have the right to restitution or
compensation no less favorable than the standards of international law, for
any loss which, despite the foregoing precautions, the execution of those
plans or proposals may have caused them; and measures taken to mitigate
adverse environmental, economic, social, cultural or spiritual impact.
3. [Indigenous
[peoples/populations] have the right to restitution or compensation, no less
favorable than the standard under international law, for any loss caused them
by the execution of those plans or proposals despite the foregoing
precautions; and to the adoption of measures to mitigate adverse ecological,
economic, social, cultural, or spiritual effects.] Argentina proposes that this paragraph be deleted; Brazil
seconds the motion.
Article XXII. Treaties,
Acts, agreements and constructive arrangements
Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition, observance
and enforcement of treaties, agreements and constructive arrangements, that
may have been concluded with states or their successors, as well as
historical Acts in that respect, according to their spirit and intent, and to
have states honor and respect such treaties, agreements and constructive
arrangements as well as the rights emanating from those historical
instruments. Conflicts and disputes which cannot otherwise be settled should
be submitted to competent bodies.
Mexico suggests deleting the whole of this section.
[Article XXII. Treaties, acts, agreements and
constructive arrangements
Indigenous [peoples/populations] have the right to
the recognition, observance, and enforcement of valid treaties, agreements,
and other arrangements that may have been concluded with states or their
successors, as well as [historical acts], according to their spirit and
intent; and to have states honor and respect such treaties, agreements, and
constructive arrangements as well as the [historical rights] emanating from
those instruments. [Conflicts and
disputes which cannot otherwise be settled shall be submitted to the
competent domestic bodies.]]
States should take all necessary steps under domestic law to implement
obligations to indigenous [peoples/populations] under treaties and other
agreements negotiated with them and, where appropriate, to establish
procedures for resolving grievances arising under such treaties and
agreements in accordance with principles of equity and justice. (United
are entitled to recognition, respect, and application of the treaties,
agreements, and any other arrangements they might have made with the States
or their successors, in the spirit and intention with which they were
concluded, and to take steps to ensure that they are respected and complied
with by the States. (Brazil. Original
text: Portuguese)
“Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition, observance, and
enforcement of treaties, agreements, and other constructive arrangements that
may have been concluded with states or their successors, according to their spirit and original
intent; and to have states honor and respect such treaties, agreements, and
arrangements. [Conflicts and disputes which cannot otherwise be settled shall
be submitted to the international competent
bodies by all the parties involved.” (Darwin Hall, a
representative of indigenous populations)
Article XXIII
Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as diminishing or
extinguishing existing or future rights indigenous peoples may have or
Article XXIII
Nothing in
this instrument shall be construed as excluding or limiting existing or
future rights which indigenous [peoples/populations] may have or acquire.
Nothing in this declaration should be construed as diminishing
or extinguishing rights of indigenous individuals or [peoples/populations].
(United States)
Article XXIV
The rights recognized herein constitute the minimum standards
for the survival, dignity and well-being of the indigenous peoples of the
Article XXIV
The rights recognized herein constitute the minimum
standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of the indigenous
[peoples/populations] of the Americas.
Article XXV
Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as granting any
rights to ignore boundaries between states.
Article XXV
Nothing in this instrument shall be construed as
granting any rights to ignore boundaries between states.
Article XXVI
Nothing in this Declaration may be construed as permitting any
activity contrary to the purposes and principles of the OAS, including
sovereign equality, territorial integrity and political independence of
[Article XXVI
Nothing in
this Declaration implies or may be construed as permitting any activity contrary
to the purposes and principles of the Organization of American States,
including sovereign equality, territorial integrity and political
independence of states.]
Brazil and Mexico suggest deleting Article XXVI.
Article XXVII. Implementation
The Organization of American States and its organs, organisms
and entities, in particular the Inter-American Indian Institute, the
Inter-American Commission of Human Rights shall promote respect for and full
application of the provisions in this Declaration.
[Article XXVII. Implementation
Organization of American States and its organs, agencies, and entities–in
particular the Inter-American Indian Institute, the Inter-American Commission
of Human Rights–shall promote respect for, and full application of, the
provisions of this Declaration.]]
Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico suggest eliminating
this article.
New paragraph proposed by Brazil:
“The nature
and scope of the measures to be taken to comply with this Declaration shall
be determined flexibly, taking into account the particular circumstances of
each country.”